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Xiaomin Zhang

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume   English resume

  • Xiaomin Zhang

  • Present position: Professor, MD & PhD

  • Faculty: the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health

  • Address:

  • Telephone:

  • Email: mingxz117@hust.edu.cn


1994   B.D.      Tongji Medical University, Wuhan, China
2005  M.P.H.  School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, HUST
2008  Ph.D.    School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, HUST

Working experience

1994–2005     Physician, Labor Hygiene and Occupational Disease Institute of WISCO
2008-2013      Associate professor, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health and the Ministry of Education Key Lab of Environment and Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, HUST
2011-2012      Visiting Scholar at Harvard School of Public Health
2013-present  Professor, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health and the Ministry of Education Key Lab of Environment and Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, HUST

Major research interests

1. Novel biomarkers and genetic markers for coronary heart disease.
2. Gene-environment interactions and coronary heart disease.
3. Occupational, environmental exposures and early cardiovascular damage.

Funding Information

1. Cohort study on interactions of lipid-related gene and lifestyle onlipid change and the risk of CHD, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China. (2014-2017, PI)

2. Interaction of Hsp70 and IL-6 on early cardiovascular damage in workers exposed to coke oven emissions, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China. (2010-2012, PI)

3. Joint effect of multiple inflammation biomarkers for predicting risk of acute coronary syndrome, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province. (2009-2011, PI)

4. The role and possible mechanism of environment (life style), genes and theirinteractions in the development of coronary heart diseases. (2013-2017, major participant)

5. Basic studies on health hazards caused by ambient particulate matter. Supported by research funds from the National Key Basic Research and Development Program (2011-2015, major participant).

6. Genetic Variation of hsp70 gene and anti-Hsp70 antibody and risk of coronary heart disease. Supported by China Canada Joint Health Research Grant of CIHR and NSFC (2008-2010, major participant).

7. Effect and prevention of plasma Hsp70 and antibody to Hsp70 levels on cardiovascular diseases, supported by the key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. (2005-2008, major participant).

Teaching course

1. Occupational Health and Occupational Medicine
2. Preventive Medicine
3. Occupational Hazards and Health

Representative Publications (*corresponding author)

1. Yang L, Yang H, He M, Pan A, Li X, Min X, Zhang C, Xu C, Zhu X, Yuan J, Wei S, Miao X, Hu FB, Wu T, Zhang X*. Longer sleep duration and midday napping are associated with a higher risk of chd incidence in middle-aged and older chinese: The dongfeng-tongji cohort study. Sleep. 2016;39:645-652

2. Feng Y, Huang X, Sun H, Liu C, Zhang B, Zhang Z, Sharma Tengur V, Chen W, Wu T, Yuan J, Zhang X*. Framingham risk score modifies the effect of PM10 on heart rate variability. Sci Total Environ. 2015;523:146-151

3. Yang L, Zhou Y, Sun H, Lai H, Liu C, Yan K, Yuan J, Wu T, Chen W, Zhang X*. Dose-response relationship between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites and risk of diabetes in the general chinese population. Environmental pollution. 2014;195C:24-30

4. Feng Y, Sun H, Song Y, Bao J, Huang X, Ye J, Yuan J, Chen W, Christiani DC, Wu T, Zhang X*. A community study of the effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites on heart rate variability based on the framingham risk score. Occup Environ Med. 2014

5. Ye J, Zhu R, He X, Feng Y, Yang L, Zhu X, Deng Q, Wu T, Zhang X*. Association of plasma IL-6 and Hsp70 with hrv at different levels of PAHs metabolites. PLoS One. 2014;9:e92964

6. Zhang X, Hu EA, Wu H, Malik V, Sun Q. Associations of leg fat accumulation with adiposity-related biological factors and risk of metabolic syndrome. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013;21:824-830

7. Zhang X, Qi Q, Zhang C, Hu FB, Sacks FM, Qi L. Fto genotype and 2-year change in body composition and fat distribution in response to weight-loss diets: The pounds lost trial. Diabetes. 2012;61:3005-3011

8. Zhang X*, Qi Q, Liang J, Hu FB, Sacks FM, Qi L. Neuropeptide y promoter polymorphism modifies effects of a weight-loss diet on 2-year changes of blood pressure: The preventing overweight using novel dietary strategies trial. Hypertension. 2012;60:1169-1175

9. Zhang X*, Qi Q, Bray GA, Hu FB, Sacks FM, Qi L. Apoa5 genotype modulates 2-y changes in lipid profile in response to weight-loss diet intervention: The pounds lost trial. AM J CLIN NUTR. 2012;96:917-922

10. Zhang X*, Tanguay RM, He M, Deng Q, Miao X, Zhou L, Wu T. Variants of hspa1a in combination with plasma hsp70 and anti-hsp70 antibody levels associated with higher risk of acute coronary syndrome. Cardiology. 2011;119:57-64

11. Zhang X, Xu Z, Zhou L, Chen Y, He M, Cheng L, Hu FB, Tanguay RM, Wu T. Plasma levels of hsp70 and anti-hsp70 antibody predict risk of acute coronary syndrome. Cell Stress Chaperones. 2010;15:675-686

12. Zhou L, Zhang X, He M, Cheng L, Chen Y, Hu FB, Wu T. Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms on chromosome 9p21 and risk of coronary heart disease in chinese han population. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2008;28:2085-2089 (Co-first author)

13. Zhang X, He MA, Cheng L, Zhou L, Zeng H, Wang J, Wang F, Chen Y, Hu FB, Wu T. Joint effects of antibody to heat shock protein 60, hypertension, and diabetes on risk of coronary heart disease in chinese. Clin Chem. 2008;54:1046-1052

14. Zhang X, He M, Cheng L, Chen Y, Zhou L, Zeng H, Pockley AG, Hu FB, Wu T. Elevated heat shock protein 60 levels are associated with higher risk of coronary heart disease in chinese. Circulation. 2008;118:2687-2693


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