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Huan Guo

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:


  • Chinese resume   English resume

  • Huan Guo

  • Present position: Professor

  • Faculty: Department of Occupational and Environmental Health

  • Address: Department of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology 13 Hangkong Road, Wuhan, 430030, Hubei, China

  • Telephone: 027-83657914

  • Email: ghuan5011@hust.edu.cn


2000/09-2005/06  Bachelor of Medicine in Preventive Medicine

School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Wuhan 430030, Hubei, China

2005/09-2010/06  Ph.D. of Medicine in Occupational and Environmental Health

Mentor: Professor Tangchun Wu

Ministry of Education Key Lab for Environment and Health

School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Wuhan, 430030, Hubei, China

2007/10-2008/12  Exchange student in Cancer Epidemiology and Etiology

Mentor: Professor Dongxin Lin

Cancer Institute (Hospital), Peking Union Medical College

Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Beijing, 100021, China


2010.7 to 2015.10  Associate Professor

Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Health

School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2012.11 to 2013.11 Visiting Associate Professor

Division of Environmental Health Sciences

School of Public Health, Yale University

2015.11 to present Professor

Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Health

School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College

Huazhong University of Science and Technology


1. National Excellent Youth Science Fund of NSFC, 2017

2. National Youth Top Talent Support Program of National High-level Personnel of Special Support Program (The “Thousands-of-Talents Scheme”), 2015

3. 100 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations in China, 2012.

4. New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China, 2012

5. Excellent New Scholar Award of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2012.


1. Molecular epidemiology on the air pollution induced early health damage and lung cancer (The National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant no. 81722038)

2. The interaction effects of coke-oven emissions with genome-wide variations on the early health damage of the coke-oven workers: a prospective occupational cohort study. (The National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant no. 81773398)

3. Genetic and functional annotation of polymorphisms in key genes of the cell cycle process and their associations with lung cancer risk and prognosis. (The National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant no. 81272589)

4. Genetic variations in HSPB1, APEX1 and TP53 and DNA damage levels in coke oven workers (The National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant no. 81102102)

5. Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of P.R. China (Grant no. 201484).

6. Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China, 2012 (grant no. NCET-12-0209)


1. Bai Y, Feng W, Wang S, Zhang X, Zhang W, He M, Zhang X, Wu T, Guo H*. Essential Metals Zinc, Selenium, and Strontium Protect against Chromosome Damage Caused by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Exposure. Environ Sci Technol. 2016, 50(2):951-60.

2. Wang S, Bai Y, Deng Q, Chen Z, Dai J, Li X, Zhang W, Zhang X, He M, Wu T, Guo H*. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure and lung function decline among coke-oven workers: A four-year follow-up study. Environ Res. 2016, 150:14-22.

3. Dai X, He X, Zhou Z, Chen J, Wei S, Chen R, Yang B, Feng W, Shan A, Wu T, Guo H*. Short-term effects of air pollution on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Shenzhen, China. Int J Cardiol. 2015, 192:56-60.

4. Wang T, Feng W, Kuang D, Deng Q, Zhang W, Wang S, He M, Zhang X, Wu T, Guo H*. The effects of heavy metals and their interactions with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the oxidative stress among coke-oven workers. Environ Res. 2015, 140: 405-413.

5. Li X, Bai Y, Wang S, Nyamathira SM, Zhang X, Zhang W, Wang T, Deng Q, He M, Zhang X, Wu T, Guo H*. Association of body mass index with chromosome damage levels and lung cancer risk among males. Sci Rep. 2015, 5:9458. doi: 10.1038/srep09458. Li X, Wei J, Xu P, Yin X, Hu D, Zhang X, Liu L, Zhang K, Zhou C, Wang T, Zhang X, He M, Wu T, Yang M, Guo H*. The interaction of APEX1 variant with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on increasing chromosome damage and lung cancer risk among male Chinese. Mol Carcinog. 2015 Jun; 54 Suppl 1:E103-11.

6. Kuang D, Zhang W, Deng Q, Zhang X, Huang K, Guan L, Hu D, Wu T, Guo H*. Dose-response relationships of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure and oxidative damage to DNA and lipid in coke oven workers. Environ Sci Technol. 2013, 47(13):7446-56.

7. Liu C, Guo H*, Cheng X, Shao M, Wu C, Wang S, Li H, Wei L, Gao Y, Tan W, Cheng S, Wu T*, Yu D*, Lin D*. Exposure to airborne PM2.5 suppresses microRNA expression and deregulates target oncogenes that cause neoplastic transformation in NIH3T3 cells. Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 6;6(30):29428-39. (*Co-first author)

8. Guo H, Jin Y, Cheng Y, Leaderer B, Lin S, Holford TR, Qiu J, Zhang Y, Shi K, Zhu Y, Niu J, Bassig BA, Xu S, Zhang B, Li Y, Hu X, Chen Q, Zheng T. Prenatal exposure to organochlorine pesticides and infant birth weight in China. Chemosphere. 2014, 110:1-7.

9. He M, Wu C, Xu J, Guo H*, Yang H, Zhang X, Sun J, Yu D, Zhou L, Peng T, He Y, Gao Y, Yuan J, Deng Q, Dai X, Tan A, Feng Y, Zhang H, Min X, Yang X, Zhu J, Zhai K, Chang J, Qin X, Tan W, Hu Y, Lang M, Tao S, Li Y, Li Y, Feng J, Li D, Kim ST, Zhang S, Zhang H, Zheng SL, Gui L, Wang Y, Wei S, Wang F, Fang W, Liang Y, Zhai Y, Chen W, Miao X, Zhou G, Hu FB, Lin D, Mo Z, Wu T. A genome wide association study of genetic loci that influence tumour biomarkers cancer antigen 19-9, carcinoembryonic antigen and α fetoprotein and their associations with cancer risk. Gut. 2014, 63(1): 143-51. (*Co-first author)

10. Deng Q, Guo H*, Dai J, Yang L, Wu C, Wang Q, Hu Z, Yang M, Liu L, Yu D, Hu D, Hong X, Qiu F, Yang H, Wang T, Tan W, Chu M, Feng J, Teng K, Gong J, Sun C, Hu X, Zhang K, Lu J, Lin D, Shen H, Wu T. Imputation-based association analyses identify new lung cancer susceptibility variants in CDK6 and SH3RF1 and their interactions with smoking in Chinese populations. Carcinogenesis. 2013, 34(9):2010-6. (*Co-first author)

11. Guo H, Deng Q, Wu C, Hu L, Wei S, Xu P, Kuang D, Liu L, Hu Z, Miao X, Dr. Shen H, Lin D, Wu T. Variations in HSPA1B at 6p21.3 are associated with lung cancer risk and prognosis in Chinese populations. Cancer Res. 2011, 71(24):7576-86.

12. Guo H, Bai Y, Xu P, Hu Z, Liu L, Wang F, Jin G, Wang F, Deng Q, Tu Y, Feng M, Lu D, Shen H, Wu T. Functional promoter -1271G>C variant of HSPB1 predicts lung cancer risk and survival. J Clin Oncol. 2010, 28(11):1928-35.


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