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Zhou Xue

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

Xue Zhou

Present position: Professor

Faculty: Department of Occupational and Environmental Health

Address: Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, 13 Hangkong Road, Wuhan China 430030

Phone: (027) 83693280

Email: xue.zhou@hust.edu.cn


B.S., 1999.09-2003.06, Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, China

Ph.D., 2004.09-2010.05, Environmental Health Sciences, New York University, U.S.A.

Work Experience

2010.11-2018.10 Associate Professor

Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2018.11-present Professor

Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Research Interests

1. Epigenetic mechanisms of heavy metal carcinogenesis

2. Toxicity and molecular mechanisms of nanomaterials

Projects, Funding, Programs

1. 2020-2023, Exosomal circ-SHPRH: role and mechanism of action in cadmium-induced malignant transformation of bronchial epithelial cells, NSFC, PI

2. 2017-2020, SIRT6: its role and mechanism of action in multi-walled carbon nanotubes-induced lung fibrosis, NSFC, PI

3. 2013-2015, The role of H3K4 tri-methylation in arsenite-induced malignant transformation of human bronchial epithelial cells, NSFC, PI

4. 2013-2014, Effects of cadmium on H3K9 di-methylation in human bronchial epithelial cells and the mechanism, Hubei Health Department, PI

5. 2012-2014, The role of JARID1 in arsenite-induced H3K4 tri-methylation, the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education, PI

Selected Professional Affiliations

1. 2014 Committee, Youth Council, Environmental Health Division, Chinese Preventive Medicine Association

2. 2016 Executive Committee and Secretary, Environmental Health Council, Preventive Medicine Association of Hubei Province

3. 2018 Committee, Mutagenesis Council, Chinese Environmental Mutagen Society


1. Chen P#, Tian K, Tu W, Zhang Q, Han L, Zhou X*. Sirtuin 6 inhibits MWCNTs-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human bronchial epithelial cells via inactivating TGF-β1/Smad2 signaling pathway. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2019, 374:1-10.

2. Zhang Q#, Tu W, Tian K, Han L, Wang Q, Chen P, Zhou X*. Sirtuin 6 inhibits myofibroblast differentiation via inactivating transforming growth factor-β1/Smad2 and nuclear factor-κB signaling pathways in human fetal lung fibroblasts. J Cell Biochem. 2019, 120(1):93-104.

3. Tu W#, Zhang Q, Liu Y, Han L, Wang Q, Chen P, Zhang S, Wang A, Zhou X*. Fluoride induces apoptosis via inhibiting SIRT1 activity to activate mitochondrial p53 pathway in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2018, 347: 60–69.

4. Tu W#, Liu Y, Xie C, Zhou X*. Arsenite downregulates H3K4 trimethylation and H3K9 dimethylation during transformation of human bronchial epithelial cells. J Appl Toxicol. 2018, 38(4):480-488.

5. Tian K#, Chen P, Liu Z, Si S, Zhang Q, Mou Y, Han L, Wang Q, Zhou X*. Sirtuin 6 inhibits epithelial to mesenchymal transition during idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis via inactivating TGF-β1/Smad3 signaling. Oncotarget. 2017, 8(37): 61011-61024.

6. Zhang J#, Zhou X#, Wu W, Wang J, Xie H, Wu Z*. Regeneration of glutathione by α-lipoic acid via Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway alleviates cadmium-induced HepG2 cell toxicity. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2017, 51:30-37. (#co-first authors)

7. Shi C#, Zhou X#, Zhang J, Wang J, Xie H, Wu Z*. α-Lipoic acid protects against the cytotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by cadmium in HepG2 cells through regeneration of glutathione by glutathione reductase via Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2016, 45:274-281. (#co-first authors)

8. Xiao C#, Liu Y, Xie C, Tu W, Xia Y, Costa M, Zhou X*. Cadmium induces histone H3 lysine methylation by inhibiting histone demethylase activity. Toxicol Sci. 2015, 145(1):80–89.

9. Liu Y#, Deng H, Xiao C, Xie C, Zhou X*. Cytotoxicity of calcium rectorite micro/nanoparticles before and after organic modification. Chem Res Toxicol. 2014, 27(8):1401-1410.

10. Huang R#, Zhou X#, Liu X#, Zhang Q, Jin H, Shi X, Luo W*, Deng H*. Nanofibrous mats LBL assembled by HTCC/layered silicate composites with in vitro antitumor activity against SMMC-7721 cells. J Biomed Nanotechnol. 2014, 10(3):485-499. (#co-first authors)

11. Xin S#, Li X#, Ma Z, Lei Z, Zhao J, Pan S, Zhou X*, Deng H*. Cytotoxicity and antibacterial ability of scaffolds immobilized by polysaccharide/layered silicate composite. Carbohydr Polym. 2013, 92(2):1880-1886. (*co-corresponding authors)

12. Xin S#, Li X#, Zhu Y, Zhang T, Lei Z, Li W, Zhou X*Deng H*. Nanofibrous mats coated by homocharged biopolymer-layered silicate nanoparticles and their antitumor activity. Colloid Surface B. 2013, 105:137-143. (*co-corresponding authors)

13. Yang G#, Zhou X#, Wang J, Zhang W, Zheng H, Lu W, Yuan J*. MEHP-induced oxidative DNA damage and apoptosis in HepG2 cells correlates with p53-mediated mitochondria-dependent signaling pathway. Food Chem Toxicol. 2012, 50(7):2424-2431. (#co-first authors)

14. Deng H#, Lin P#, Xin S, Huang R, Li W, Du Y, Zhou X*, Yang J*. Quaternized chitosan-layered silicate intercalated composites based nanofibrous mats and their antibacterial activity. Carbohydr Polym. 2012, 89(2):307-313. (*co-corresponding authors)

15. Xu R#, Xin S#, Zhou X#, Li W, Cao F, Feng X*, Deng H*. Quaternized chitosan–organic rectorite intercalated composites based nanoparticles for protein controlled release. Int J Pharm, 2012, 438(1-2): 258-265. (#co-first authors)

16. Jiang Y#, Zhou X#, Chen X#, Yang G, Wang Q, Rao K, Xiong W, Yuan J*. Benzo(a)pyrene-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death in p53-null Hep3B cells. Mutat Res. 2011, 726(1):75-83. (#co-first authors)

17. Zhou X#, Sun H, Chen H, Zavadil J, Kluz T, Arita A, Costa M*. Hypoxia induces trimethylated H3 lysine 4 by inhibition of JARID1A demethylase. Cancer Res. 2010, 70(10): 4214-4221.

18. Arita A#, Zhou X#, Ellen TP#, Liu X, Bai J, Rooney JP, Kurtz A, Klein CB, Dai W, Begley TJ, Costa M*. A genome-wide deletion mutant screen identifies pathways affected by nickel sulfate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. BMC Genomics. 2009, 10: 524. (#co-first authors)

19. Zhou X#, Arita A#, Ellen TP#, Liu X, Bai J, Rooney JP, Kurtz AD, Klein CB, Dai W, Begley TJ, Costa M*. A genome-wide screen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals pathways affected by arsenic toxicity. Genomics. 2009, 94(5): 294-307. (#co-first authors)

20. Sun H#, Zhou X#, Chen H, Li Q, Costa M*. Modulation of histone methylation and MLH1 gene silencing by hexavalent chromium. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2009, 237(3): 258-266. (#co-first authors)

21. Zhou X#, Li Q, Arita A, Sun H, Costa M*. Effects of nickel, chromate, and arsenite on histone 3 lysine methylation. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2009, 236(1): 78-84.

22. Zhou X#, Sun H#, Ellen TP, Chen H, Costa M*. Arsenite alters global histone H3 methylation. Carcinogenesis. 2008, 29(9): 1831-1836. (#co-first authors)


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