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Yihua Xu

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume   English resume

  • Yihua Xu

  • Present position: Assistant professor

  • Faculty: Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics

  • Address:

  • Telephone:

  • Email: xuyihua@mails.tjmu.edu.cn;xuyihua_6@hotmail.com


1999/09-2002/06 Master’s Degree of Medicine Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Tongji Medical University

2005/09-2008/06 Doctoral Degree of Medicine Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Tongji Medical University


Chinese, English, German

Work Experience

2002/09-2004/11 Teaching and Research Associate Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics School of Public Health Tongji Medical University

2004/11-2009/11 Lecturer Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Tongji Medical University

2009/11-present Assistant professor Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics School of Public Health Tongji Medical University

2011/09-2012/09 Post Postdoctoral Fellows Pathology Transfusion Medicine School of Medicine Johns Hopkins University

Studies and Research Undertaken

1. Study on an integrated surveillance system for infectious disease in rural China: generating evidence for early detection of disease epidemics in resource-poor settings. Supported by “Framework Programme7”. (No: 241900) From 2009/01-2013/12. ( PI)

2. Study on forecasting and early warning and index system of tuberculosis. Supported by center for tuberculosis control and Prevention, Chinese center for disease control and prevention. (No: 2008ZX10003-008) From 2008/01-2010/12. ( Principal of sub-project of special project of “11th five-year plan” held by The Ministry of Science and Technology) ( PI)

3. Study on construction of risk model among latent infectors of MDR-TB. Supported by Innovation Research Fund of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, (No: 2013TS004) From 2013/01-2014/12. (PI).

4. Study on social work intervention on older adults with TB using HAPA theory. Supported by Social Sciences Fund of China, (No: 15BSH118) From 2016/01-2018/12. (PI).

5. Study on a telephone interview on the prevalence of acute fever respiratory infection and the knowledge, attitude, practice of influenza in seven cities and two countrysides during different phases of A/H1N1 pandemic. Supported by state council project. From 2010. ( PI)

6. Study on the evaluation of the execute solution of malaria prevention and treatment in large construction sites. Supported by Hubei Provincial center for disease control and prevention. From 2010. ( PI)

7. Study on the investigation of the utilization status of health services in communities. Supported by the national CDC and USA CDC cooperating project. From 2008. ( PI)

8. Study on the quality of life study of the HIV/AIDS patients. Supported by Huazhong University of Science and Technology Science research funds. From 2007/01-2008/12. ( PI)

9. Study on the finding, investigation, following up, management status and working pattern of HIV/AIDS. Supported by Global HIV/AIDS Funds Project. (No: 19513028) From 2007/01-2008/12. ( PI)

10. Study on the consciousness and requirement study of improving malaria prevention and treatment of residents. Supported by Global Malaria Funds. (No.CHN-506-G07-M) From 2007/01-2008/12. ( PI)

11. Study on strategy evaluation of the comprehensive prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in Hubei Province. Supported by China-British HIV/AIDS Strategy Support Project. From 2006/01-2007/12. ( PI)

Studies and Research Participated

1. Study on molecular epidemiological study of association among environmental factor, adiponection gene family, and colorectal cancer. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation. (No. 30972534)From 2008/01-2010/12.

2. Study on evaluation and forecasting of epidemic state of schistosomiasis. Supported by Project of Health Department of Hubei Province. (No:XF2008-2) From 2008/01-2010/12.

3. Study on finding strategy study of HIV/AIDS people in tuberculosis patients. Supported by the Global Malaria Funds of The National CDC. From 2008/01-2009/12.

4. Study on forecasting and warning of respiratory infections base on the theory of complex Networks. Supported by Project of Health Department of Hubei Province. From 2007/01-2008/12.

5. Study on evaluation index system on burden of schistosomiasis. Supported by the Project of Health Department of Hubei Province. From 2007/01-2008/12.

6. Study on the pilot study of improving the decision-making and analyzing capacity. Supported by MOH-WHO. (No.05606054) From 2005/01-2006/12.

7. Study on the emergency system construction of public health emergency in Hubei Province. Supported by Project of Health Department of Hubei Province. From 2006/01-2007/12.

8. Study on the the Molecular Epidemiological study on the Relationship of the Polymorphisms of GH family genes, dietary factors and susceptibility of colorectal cancer. Supported by The National Natural Science Funds. (No.30571598) From 2005/01-2008/12.

Career goals

1. epidemiology of infectious disease and chronic disease.

2. risk model of infectious disease and chronic disease.

3. social work of tuberculosis and other chronic disease.

i-Publications in peer-reviewed journals (in English)

1. Mkangara OB, Nie Shaofa, Wang Chongjian, XuYihua, Mweri ST, Kobelo TM, Bapumiia M. Epidemiology of human immuno-deficiency virus and quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS in China[J]. J HuazhongUnivSciTechnolog Med Sci, 28(2):230-233, 2008.

2. Wang Chongjian, Wei Sheng, Xiang Hao, XuYihua, Han Shenghong, Mkangara OB, Nie Shaofa. Evaluating the effectiveness of an emergency preparedness training programme for public health staff in China[J]. PUBLIC HEALTH, 122(5):471-477, 2008.

3. Wang Chongjian, Wei Sheng, Xiang Hao, Wu Jing, XuYihua, Liu Li, Nie Shaofa. Development and evaluation of a leadership training program for public health emergency response: results from a Chinese study[J]. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 8(377), 2008.

4. Hao Xiang, Li Liu, Guang-di Chu, Sheng Wei, Jian-ping Liu, Yi-huaXu, Ji-gui Chen, Chong-jian Wang, Qing-Yi Wei, Shao-faNie. Association between two functional polymorphisms of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 and colorectal cancer risk in a Chinese population[J]. J Toxicol Environ Health A, 72(11-12):706-711, 2009.

5. Li Xuehua, XuYihua*, Nie Shaofa, Xiang Hao, Wang Chongjian. The Effect Evaluation of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy to Patients with AIDS in Hubei Province of China[J]. JOURNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MEDICAL SCIENCES, 29(5):580-584, 2009.

6. Shuqiong Huang, Yihua Xu, Li Yue, Sheng Wei, Li liu, Xiumin Gan, Shuihong Zhou, Shaofa Nie. Evaluating the risk of hypertension using an artificial neural network method in rural residents over the age of 35 years in a Chinese area[J]. HYPERTENSION RESEARCH, 33(7):722-726, 2010.

7. Peng Yuan, Li Liu, Chen Wu, Rong Zhong, Dianke Yu, Jing Wu, Yihua Xu, Shaofa Nie, Xiaoping Miao, Yan Sun, Binghe Xu and Dongxin Lin. No association between XRCC1 polymorphisms and survival in non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy[J]. CANCER BIOLOGY & THERAPY, 10(9):858-863, 2010.

8. GorguiDiouf, YihuaXu, Patrick N. Kpanyen, Li Cai, XiuminGan, Shaofa Nie. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Intervention for Malaria Control in Rural Areas in China[J]. Global Journal of Health Science (GJHS), 2(2):41-50. 2010.

9. Duo-shuangXie, Wei Xiong, Li-li Xiang, Xiang-yun Fu, Yuan-hua Yu, Li Liu, Shu-qiong Huang, Xiao-hui Wang, Xiu-min Gan, Min Xu, Hong-bo Wang, Hao Xiang, YihuaXu, Shaofa Nie*. Point prevalence surveys of healthcare-associated infection in 13 hospitals in Hubei Province, China, 2007-2008[J]. J Hosp Infect, 76(2):150-155, 2010.

10. Duo-shuangXie, Wei Xiong, Rui-ping Lai, Li Liu, Xiu-min Gan, Xiao-hui Wang, Min Wang, Yuan-xia Lou, Xiang-yun Fu, Hui-fang Wang, Hao Xiang, Yi-huaXu*, Shaofa Nie*. Ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care units in Hubei Province, China: a multicentre prospective cohort survey[J]. J Hosp Infect, 78(4):284-288, 2011.

11. Yilan Lin, Lijuan Huang, Shaofa Nie, Zenyan Liu, Honejie Yu, Weirong Yan*, YihuaXu*. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) related to the Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 among Chinese General Population: a Telephone Survey[J]. BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 11(128), 2011.

12. Xiu-min Gan, Yi-huaXu, Li Liu, Shu-qiong Huang, Duo-shangXie, Xiao-hui Wang, Jian-ping Liu, Shao-faNie*. Predicting the incidence risk of ischemic stroke in a hospital population of southern China: A classification tree analysis[J]. JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES, 306(1-2):108-114, 2011.

13. Li Liu, RongZhong, Sheng Wei, Jie-Yun Yin, Hao Xiang, Li Zou, Wei Chen, Ji-Gui Chen, Xia-Wen Zheng, Li-Juan Huang, Bei-Bei Zhu, Quan Chen, Sheng-Yu Duan, RuiRui, Bei-Fang Yang, Jing-Wen Sun, Duo-ShuangXie, Yi-HuaXu, Xiao-Ping Miao,* and Shao-FaNie*. Interactions between Genetic Variants in the Adiponectin, Adiponectin Receptor 1 and Environmental Factors on the Risk of Colorectal Cancer[J]. PLOS ONE, 6(e27301), 2011.

14. Li Liu, Peng Yuan, Chen Wu, Xiaomin Zhang, Feng Wang, HuanGuo, RongZhong, YihuaXu, Jing Wu, Dianke Yu, Tangchun Wu, Xuemei Zhang, Shaofa Nie*, Xiaoping Miao*, Dongxin Lin. Assessment of XPD Lys751Gln and XRCC1 T-77C polymorphisms in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy[J]. LUNG CANCER, 73(1):110-115, 2011.

15. Li Liu, Peng Yuan, Li Liu, Chen Wu, Xiaomin Zhang, HuanGuo, RongZhong, YihuaXu, Jing Wu and ShengyuDuan, RuiRui, Tangchun Wu, Shaofa Nie*, Xiaoping Miao*, Dongxin Lin. A functional -77T>C polymorphism in XRCC1 is associated with risk of breast cancer[J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 125(2):479-487, 2011.

16. Wei Chen, Wen Shu, Min Wang, Yongchun Hou, Yinyin Xia, Weiguo Xu, Liqiong Bai, Shaofa Nie, Shiming Cheng, Yihua Xu*,Pulmonary Tuberculosis Incidence and Risk Factors in Rural Areas of China: A Cohort Study,PLOS ONE, 8(3):e58171, 2013.

17. Guoliang Zhang, Shuqiong Huang, Qionghong Duan, Wen Shu, Yongchun Hou, Shiyu Zhu, Xiaoping Miao, Shaofa Nie, Sheng Wei, Nan Guo, Hua Shan, Yihua Xu*,Application of a Hybrid Model for Predicting the Incidence of Tuberculosis in Hubei, China,PLOS ONE, 8(11):e80969, 2013.

18. Wen Shu, Wei Chen, Shiyu Zhu, Guoliang Zhang, Yongchun Hou, Jian Mei, Liqiong Bai, Weiguo Xu, Lin Zhou, Shaofa Nie, Shiming Cheng and Yihua Xu*, Factors Causing Delay of Access to Tuberculosis Diagnosis Among New Active Tuberculosis Patients: Prospective Cohort Study,Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health,26(1) 33-41, 2014.

19. Dandan Zhang, Xiaonan Cai, Guoliang Zhang, Dixin Tan, Yihua Xu*. A hybrid model for predicting the incidence of hepatitis B in Hubei, China. BMC Medical Informatics(Decision Making), 2016.

20. Dandan Zhang, Jie Hu, Xuhui Li, Xiaonan Cai, Bin Zhang, Aifen Zhou, Yuanyuan Li, Wei Xia, Dixin Tan, Bin Wang, Tongzhang Zheng, Shunqing Xu, Yihua Xu*. Associations of Gestational Weight Gain with Sleep Habits in China. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology(under review), 2016.

21. Dixin Tan, Dandan Zhang, Xiaonan Cai, Bin Wang, Guoliang Zhang, Wen Shu, Yaqiong Yan, Songlin Yu, Yihua Xu*. Application of classification tree model in building the risk model for MDR-TB. International Journal of Epidemiology(under review), 2016.


1. Nie S, Xu Y. Techniques for Disinfection and Pest Control Operations.2005.

2. Xu Y. Epidemiological Guidance and Exercises. 2005.

3. Xu Y. Epidemiological Guidance and Exercises. 2008.

4. Nie S, Xu Y. Clinical Epidemiology. 2008.

i- Publications in refereed journals (in Chinese)

1. Shi Qingzhao, Tang Hongmin, Xu Y, Ye Jingping. Respiratory syncytial virus infection treatment in 97 infant cases. Infectious Disease Information, 13(1):34-36,2000.

2. Nie Shaofa, Yao Xuan, Zhu Guibao, Zhang Jinrong, Xu Y. A Case-control Study on the Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer among Urban Inhabitants in Wuhan of China. CHINESE JOURNAL OF PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF CHRONIC NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES, 10(6):247-250,2002.

3. Nie Shaofa, Yao Xuan, Zhu Guibao, Zhang Jinrong, Xu Y, Wang Xin. A Case-control Study on the Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer among Urban Inhabitants in Wuhan of China. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 18(12):1482-1484, 2002.

4. Xu Y, Zhu Guibao, Zhang Depo, Li Jun, Nie Shaofa. Epidemiological study of schistosomiasis in Yangxin county in Hubei. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 7(1):910-912,2003.

5. Yang Mei, Nie Shaofa, Zhu Guibao, Zhang Jinrong, Xu Y. The evaluation of the postoperative health related quality of life of children with hirschsprung disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 8(2):131-133,2004.

6. Xu Juan, Xu Yusong, Nie Shaofa, Xu Y, Chang Haiyan, Wang Yi. Longitudinal study on adverse pregnancy outcomes and passive smoking during first trimester pregnancy of city women. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 21(8):910-912, 2005.

7. Xu Y, Yang Mei, Zhu Guibao, Zhao Yanan, Nie Shaofa. A case-control study on risk factors of Hirschsprung’s disease in Hubei province. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 10(2): 123-126,2006.

8. Wang Chongjian, Xu Y, Wei Sheng, Xiang Hao, Ma Boyi, Zhu Guibao, Nie Shaofa. Evaluation of Pilot training of analysis and decision making. Chinese Journal of Public Health,22(5): 605-606,2006.
9. Wang Min, Peng Ji, Xu Y, Nie Shaofa. The effect of ultrasonic inspection and mammography in the screening and early diagnosis of breast cancer: a Meta- analysis. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 10(1): 34-36,2006.

10. Wang Chongjian, Xu Y, OuYang Ninghui, Wei Sheng, Liu Jianping, Liu Wei, Nie Shaofa. Sociological View of Infectious Diseases. Medicine and Society, 19(11):11-12, 2006.

11. Qu Jiangwen, Liu Jianping, Du Jianwei, Xu Y, Nie Shaofa. Application of GM (1,1) Grey Model in Malaria Epidemic Situation Forecast. Medicine and Society, 19(11):5-7, 2006.

12. Xu Y, Liao Qiaohong, Wang Chongjian, Nie Shaofa. Evaluation on the highly active anti-retroviral therapy in 181 AIDS patients.0 Chin J Epidemiol,28(7):704-707, 2007.

13. Qu Lingyan, Xu Y*, Ma Boyi, Nie Shaofa. Study on the survival and related factors of AIDS cases among paid blood donors. CHINESE JOURNAL OF AIDS & STD, 13(6): 512-514, 2007.

14. Xiong Tiantian, Tian Meiying, Wei Sheng, Xu Y, Nie Shaofa. Nested case-control study on risk factors of isolated systolic hypertension in rural communities. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 11(1): 24-26, 2007.

15. Xiang Hao, Wang Chongjian, Xu Y, Nie Shaofa. Present Situation and Analysis of China’s public health emergencies emergency personnel training. Chin J Prev Med, 41( supplement ): 9-11, 2007.

16. Liao Ying, Xu Y, Nie Shaofa. Evaluation method of low hazard in epidemiology. Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, 18(2): 107-109, 2007.

17. Wang Chongjian, Xu Y, Qu Lingyan, He Jingjing, Liu Li, Nie Shaofa. Improve the emergency legal system, building a harmonious socialist society. Medicine and Society, 20(8):38-41, 2007.

18. Zhou Shuihong, Nie Shaofa, Wang Chongjian, Wei Sheng, Xu Y, Li Xuehua, Song Enmin. The application of artificial neural networks to predict individual risk of essential hypertension. Chin J Epidemiol , 29(6):614-617, 2008.

19. Huang Jie, Xu Y*, Xiang Hao, Li Xuehua, Cai Li, Nie Shaofa. Evaluation of community intervention study for hypertension in rural areas. Chin J of Dis Control and Prevention, 12(6):580-583, 2008.

20. Qu Jiangwen, Xu Y, Wei Sheng, Nie Shaofa. Epidemiological analysis of bacteriological positive pulmonary tuberculosis at Chinese Frontier Ports. The Journal of the Chinese Antituberculosis Association, 30(1):15-18, 2008.

21. He Jingjing, Wang Qian, Liu Chang, Nie Shaofa, Huang Tian, Liu Li, Xiang Hao, Liu Li, Xu Y, Wei Sheng, Zhang Xiaoxiao, Chen Jigui. IGF-ⅠR,IGF-Ⅰand IGFⅡ expressions in colorectal cancer and their roles. Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment,15(13):976-980, 2008.

22. Li Xiaojing, Zhang Chengjun, Wen Maolin, Gan Xiumin, Yuan Yuan, Hu Honglin, Xu Y, Duan Qionghong, Wei Sheng, Nie Shaofa, Lu Yunxia. Incidence Sequence and Secular Trend of Malignant tumors in Shayang county of Hubei Province from 2000 to 2005. CHIN J CANCER PREV TREAT, 15(21):1613-1616, 2008.

23. Cai Li, Xu Y*, Nie Shaofa, Zhou Shuihong, Huang Guangquan, Pei Sujian, Yuan Fangyu. The Intervention Effects of Malaria Prevention in Rural Community of Hubei Province. Chin J Prev Med, 43(1):75, 2009.

24. Qiu Qiu, Hu Xiaolin, Wu Meihong, Cai Li, Huang Guangquan, Yuan Fangyu, Xu Y*. Knowledge and demand of malaria prevention in rural residents of Hubei province. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 25(2):229-230, 2009.

25. Gan Xiumin, Xu Y, Nie Shaofa, Luo Qing, Huang Shuqiong, Lin Yilan, Cheng Shiming, Chen Wei. Research Progress on Prediction and Early-warning of Infectious Disease. Chin J Infect Dis, 28(12):766-768, 2010.

26. Qiu Zi, Li Xinyue, Bao Wubo, Cheng Liwei, Nie Shaofa, Xu Y. Related behavior and AIDS knowledge in the MSM groups in Wuhan City. Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, 21(1):83-85, 2010.

27. Lin Yilan, Gan Xiumin, Xu Y, Xu Qiancheng, Li Yibing, Huang Lijuan, Luo Qing, Li Jun, Nie Shaofa. Endemic situation of schistosomiasis in Qianjiang city. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 26(7):844-845, 2010.
28. Luo Qing, Xu Y, Nie Shaofa, Gan Xiumin, Wu Jiming, Cheng Shiming, Chen Wei. Prevalence of tuberculosis in Ezhou city of Hubei province form 1997 to 2008. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 26(2):163-164, 2010.

29. Wang Min, Cheng Shiming, Xu Y, Nie Shaofa, Chen Wei. Research status on the influencing factors of mortality rate among tuberculosis patients. Chin J Epidemiol , 32(2): 196-199, 2011.

30. Zhang Huaxun, Li Kaijie, Yuan Fangyu, Huang Guangquan, Pei Sujian, Yu Pinghong, Nie Shaofa, Cheng Lijuan, Rong Xing, Xu Y*. Malaria knowledge and demand among workers in construction sites of Hubei Province. Chin Tropical Medicine, 11(10):1255-1256, 2011.

31. Hou Yongchun, Wang Min, Li Xiaoqian, Shu Wen, Cheng Shiming, Chen Wei, Nie Shaofa, Xu Y*. Construction of surveillance and early-warning-index-system on tubercnlosis in China. Chin J Epidemiol, 33(5):505-508, 2012.

32. Shu Wen, Hou Yongchun, Zhang Guoliang, Zhu Shiyu, Cheng Shiming, Chen Wei, Nie Shaofa, Xu Y*.Risk Factors of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Guangzhou City: A Case Control-study. Medicine and Society, 6(2):1-3, 2013.

33. Liu Zengyan, Rong Xing, Tan Li, Cheng Liwei, Tian Yi, Xu Y, Nie Shaofa. Vaccination of influenza vaccine and its related factors during pandemic of influenza in China. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 29(7): 969-971, 2013.

34. Zhu Shiyu, Hou Yongchun, Shu Wen,Zhang Guoliang, Nie Shaofa, Chen Wei, Cheng Shiming, Xu Y*.Study on the risk factors of tuberculosis in four cities and provinces in China. Chin J Epidemiol, 34(2), 129-132, 2013.

35. Zhang Guoliang, Hou Yongchun, Shu Wen, Zhu Shiyu, Nie Shaofa,Xu Y*. Comparison of Three Models on Prediction of Incidence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics, (30)4:35-38, 2013.

36. Hou Yongchun, Shu Wen, Zhu Shiyu, Zhang Guoliang, Xu Y*. Review of Host susceptibility genes and tuberculosis. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 30(11):1403-1408, 2014.
37. Dandan Zhang, Xiaonan Cai, Bin Zhang, Aifen Zhou, Yuanyuan Li, Wei Xia, Dixin Tan, Bin Wang, Yihua Xu*. Epidemic Analysis of Relationship between Gestational Weight Gain and Premature Birth. Chin J Epidemiol(accepted), 2015.

38. Cai Xiaonan, Zhang Dandan, Yan Yaqiong, Tan Dixin, Xu Y*. Meta-analysis on risk factors of multidrug resistant tuberculosis in China. Chin J Epidemiol ,36(12):1424-1429, 2015.

39. Cai Xiaonan, Zhang Dandan, Yan Yaqiong, Tan Dixin, Xu Y*. A study on the application of classification tree model in building the risk model for multidrug resistant tuberculosis. Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention, 20(1):91-95, 2016.

40. Hong Ping, Li Hui, Cai Xiaonan, Zhang Dandan, Tan Dixin, Xu Y*. Survey on the Quality of Life of Military Retired Veteran Cadres in Wuhan, China. Chinese Journal of Convalescent Medicine, 7:768-771, 2015.

41. Hong Ping, Li Hui, Cai Xiaonan, Zhang Dandan, Tan Dixin, Xu Y*. Survey on the Ability of Daily Life of Military Retired Veteran Cadres. Contemporary Medicine, 27: 157-159, 2015.

42. Yang Wei, Han Dan, Cai Xiaonan, Zhang Dandan, Tan Dixin, Xu Y*. Analysis on factors influencing the therapeutic outcome of the first-time retreated smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Wuhan, China. Qinghai Medicine, 5:283-285, 2015.

43. Hong Xiaobing, Li Xuelai, Wang Shanshan, Zhang Zhiwei, Chen Wei, Xu Y*. Survey on knowledge, attitude and behavior of AIDS among the adolescent students in Huli District of Xiamen City. Chin Soc Med (Accepted), 2016.

44. Wu Yun, Wang Bin, Tan Dixin, Zhang Dandan, Li Xuhui, Xu Y*. Epidemiological analysis of notifiable infectious diseases from 2004 to 2014 in Enshi Prefecture in Hubei Province. Occupation and Health(Revision), 2016.
45. Zhang Zhiwei, Tan Dixin, Hong Xiaobing, Wang Bin, Zhang Dandan, Xu Y*. Epidemic analysis of TB in floating population in Xiamen between 2008-2014. Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine(Revision), 2016.

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