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来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:


  • 中文简历English resume

  • 姓名:王齐

  • 职务:副教授

  • 院系:流行病与卫生统计学系

  • 地址:湖北省武汉市航空路13号 430030

  • 电话:

  • 邮箱:wangqi_tj@hust.edu.cn



1. 国家自然科学基金委及瑞典研究理事会,新型冠状病毒引发的老年人健康相关问题:武汉-斯德哥尔摩联合证据研究(72061137006),2021.1-2023.12,280万(中方负责人)

2. 中国科协调研宣传部,支持湖北灾后重振相关课题:区域性核酸机动检测能力评估及质控管理研究(20200608CG111315),2020.11-2021.620万(课题负责人)

3. 国家食品安全风险评估中心,中国居民猪肉及其制品消费行为参数调查,2019-202128万(课题负责人)

4. 湖北省自然科学基金项目,肠道微生物与老年人原发性骨质疏松的关联研究(2019CFB647),2019-20213万(课题负责人)

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于R-spondin/Wnt信号网络的原发性骨质疏松易感基因筛选及生物学机制研究81573235),2016.1-2019.1260(课题负责人)

6. 华中科技大学自主创新项目,大气污染物与妊娠高血压疾病的季节关联性(课题负责人)

7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,妊娠期骨骼铅动员的MTHFRVDR基因多态性及相关因素研究81102185),2012.1-2014.1223(课题负责人)

8. 华中科技大学自主创新项目,MTHFR基因多态性与新生儿铅易感性研究2011QN202),2011-20125(课题负责人)

9. 国家重点研发项目,食品污染物风险评估关键技术研究子课题(2018YFC1603105),2018-2021240万(课题骨干)

10. 湖北省自然科学基金项目,女性绝经后骨质疏松易感基因Sema3A突变筛查及相关机制研究(2019CFB709),2019-20213万(课题骨干)



(1) Wei M, Cui Y, Zhou H, Song W, Di D, Zhang R, Huang Q, Liu J*, Wang Q*. Associations of multiple metals with bone mineral density: A population-baed study in US adults. Chemosphere, 2021; 282:131150.

(2) Wei M, Li C, Dai Y, Zhou H, Cui Y, Zeng Y, Huang Q*, Wang Q*. High-throughput absolute quantification sequencing revealed osteoporosis-related gut microbiota alterations in Han Chinese elderly. Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 2021; 11:630372. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.630372

(3) Song W#, Wan Y#,*, Jiang Y, Liu Z, Wang Q*. Urinary concentrations of 2,4-D in repeated samples from 0–7 year old healthy children in central and south China. Chemosphere, 2021; 267: 129225. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.129225

(4) Zhou H#; Li C, Song W, Wei M, Cui Y, Huang Q*, Wang Q*. Increasing fasting glucose and fasting insulin associated with elevated bone mineral density—evidence from cross-sectional and MR studies, Osteoporos Int. 2021, doi: 10.1007/s00198-020-05762-w.

(5) Pan A, Liu L, Wang C, Guo H, Hao X, Wang Q, Huang J, He N, Yu H, Lin X, Wei S, Wu T. Association of Public Health Interventions With the Epidemiology of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Wuhan, China. JAMA. 2020 Apr 10;323(19):1-9. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.6130.

(6) Li C, Huang Q, Yang R, Guo X, Dai Y, Zeng J, Zeng Y, Tao L, Li X, Zhou H, Wang Q*. Targeted next generation sequencing of nine osteoporosis-related genes in the Wnt signaling pathway among Chinese postmenopausal women. Endocrine. 2020;68(3):669-678. doi:10.1007/s12020-020-04428-x.

(7) Wang Q*, Wang Y, Lehto K, Pedersen NL, Williams DM, Hägg S. Genetically-predicted life-long lowering of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is associated with decreased frailty: A Mendelian randomization study in UK biobank. EbioMedicine, 2019, 45: 487-494.

(8) Tao L#, Huang Q#, Yang R, Dai Y, Zeng Y, Li C, Li X, Zeng J, Wang Q*. The age modification to leukocyte telomere length effect on bone mineral density and osteoporosis among Chinese elderly women. J Bone Miner Metab, 2019, 37(6): 1004-1012.

(9) Li C#, Huang Q, Yang R, Dai Y, Zeng Y, Tao L, Li X, Zeng J, Wang Q*. Gut microbiota composition and bone mineral loss—epidemiologic evidence from individuals in Wuhan, China. Osteoporos Int, 2019, 30 (5): 1003-1013. doi.org/10.1007/s00198-019-04855-5.

(10) Wang Q#,*, Zhan Y, Pedersen NL, Fang F, Hägg S. Telomere length and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis. Ageing Res Rev, 2018, Sep 22;48:11-20. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2018.09.002.

(11) Wang Q#, Wei S. Cadmium affects blood pressure and negatively interacts with obesity: Findings from NHANES 1999-2014. Sci Total Environ, 2018, 643:270-276.

(12) Li C#, Ni ZM#, Ye LX, Chen JW, Wang Q*, Zhou YK*, Dose-response relationship between blood levels and hematological parameters in children from central China, Environ Res, 2018, 164: 501-506.

(13) Li C#, Zeng Y, Tao L, Liu S, Ni Z, Huang Q, Wang Q*, Meta-analysis of hypertension and osteoporotic fracture risk in women and men, Osteoporos Int, 2017, 8: 2309-2318.

(14) Wang Q#, Huang Q, Zeng Y, Liang JJ, Liu SY, Gu X, Liu JA*, Parity and osteoporotic fracture risk in postmenopausal women: a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies, Osteoporos Int, 2016, 27(1):319-330

(15) Li Y, Hu J, Wu W, Liu S, Li M, Yao N, Chen J, Ye L, Wang Q*, Zhou Y*. Application of IEUBK model in lead risk assessment of children aged 61-84 months old in central China. Sci Total Environ, 2016, 541: 673-82.

(16) Zeng Y#, Ni ZM, Liu SY, Gu X, Huang Q, Liu JA, Wang Q*, Parity and All-cause Mortality in Women and Men: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies, Sci Rep, 2016,6:19351

(17) 刘淑运,曾云,李灿,王齐*. 母乳喂养与女性骨质疏松性骨折发生风险的Meta分析,华中科技大学学报(医学版), 201645(2):205-210.

(18) Shen W#, Zhang B#, Liu S, Wu H, Gu X, Qin L, Tian P, Zeng Y, Ye L, Ni Z, Wang Q*, Association of blood lead levels with methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphisms among Chinese pregnant women in Wuhan City, PLos One, 2015, 10(2), e01117366

(19) Hu J#, Li M, Han TX, Chen JW, Ye LX, Wang Q*, Zhou YK*, Benchmark dose estimation for cadmium-induced renal tubular damage among environmental cadmium-exposed women aged 35-54 years in two counties of China, PLos One, 2014, 9(12): e115794

(20) Wang Q#, Liu H, Lu ZX, Luo Q, Liu JA*, Role of the new rural cooperative medical system in alleviating catastrophic medical payments for hypertension, stroke and coronary heart disease in poor areas of China, BMC Public Health, 2014, 14: 907

(21) Liu H#, Wang Q#, Lu Z, Liu J*, Reproductive health service use and social determinants among the floating population: a quantitative comparative study in Guangzhou City, BMC Health Services Research, 2014, 14(1): 502

(22) Luo Q#, Wang Q#, Lu Z, Liu J*, Evaluation of Responsiveness of Community Health Services in Urban China: A Quantitative Study in Wuhan City, PLos One, 2013, 8(5), e62923

(23) Wang Q#*, Ye LX, Zhao HH, Chen JW, Zhou YK, Benchmark dose approach for low-level lead induced haematogenesis inhibition and associations of childhood intelligences with ALAD activity and ALA levels, Science of the Total Environment, 2011, 409(10):1806-1810

(24) Wang Q#, Zhao HH, Chen JW, Hao QL, Gu KD, Zhu YX, Zhou YK, Ye LX*, delta-Arniolevulinic acid dehydratase activity, urinary delta-aminolevulinic acid concentration and zinc protoporphyrin level among people with low level of lead exposure, Int J Hyg Environ Health, 2010, 213(1):52-58


(1) 邬堂春主编,环境与精准预防(编委),上海交通大学出版社,2020

(2) 荆涛主编,农药兽药污染与健康(副主编),湖北科学技术出版社,2020

(3) 许国章、魏晟主编,现场流行病学(副主编),人民卫生出版社,2017

(4) 周宜开、王琳主编,土壤污染与健康(副主编),湖北科学技术出版社,2015

(5) 周宜开、陈建伟主编,环境重金属污染人群健康风险和损害评估技术(编委),湖北科学技术出版社,2015

(6) 周宜开、叶临湘主编,环境流行病学基础与实践(编委),人民卫生出版社,2013

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