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Nian Shi

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume    English resume

  • Nian Shi

  • Present position:

  • Faculty: Toxicology Department of Health Toxicology

  • Address:

  • Telephone:

  • Email: snian@mails.tjmu.edu.cn


MD ,1982,Tongji Medical University ,China

Ph D. ,1988,Tonji Medical University,Chian

Other Affiliations


Dr Shi ‘s major research interesta include:
1. Effects of the Neuroendocrine systemon the neurotoxicity of Pyrethroids.

2. Chemoprotection against chemical toxicity &diseases.


1) Effects of pyrethroids on the concentrations of thyroid hormones in the rat serum and brain Chin J Hyg Occup Dis 2002, 20(3):173-176 (Wang Suqing)

2) Increased levels of nerve growth factor mRNA and protein expression in rat brain induced by pyrethroids Chinese J Pharmacl. & Toxicol 2002,16(4):306-311(Wang Suqing)

3) Effects of pyrethroids on monoamine levels in rat brain J Health Toxicology 2001,15(2):78-80 (Cai Hongmei)

4) Effect of deltamethrin on neurobehavioral development of offsprings of intoxicated rats Chin J Hyg Occup Dis 2001,19(4):268-270 (Li Tao)

5) Effect of deltamethrin on intracellular free Ca2+ concentration in rat neural cells J Health Toxicology 2001,15(4):216-219 (Niu yujie)

6) Effect of pyrethroids on the binding metabotropic glutamate receptor in rat brain Chin J Hyg Occp Dis 2000,18(4):220-222 (Yan hong)

7) Effects of pyrethroids on metabolizing enzymes in rat brain and liver Chin J Ind Hyg Occp Dis 2000,18(4):216-219 (Yi zongchun)

8) Liu gong-ping ,Nian Shi, The inhibitory effects of deltamethrin on dopamine biosynthesis in rat PC12 cells, Toxicology Letters,161,195-199(2006)

9) Huang-yuan Li, Si-ying Wu, Nian Shi, Transcription factor Nrf2 activation by deltamethrin in PC12 cells: Involvement of ROS, Toxicology Letters 2007,107:87-98

10) Dan Chen,Xiaowei Huang,Linlin liu and Shi Nian, Deltamethrin induces mitochondrial membrane permeability and altered expression of cytochrome C in rat brain, J of Applied Toxicology 2007,27;368-372

11) Huang-yuan Li ,Yu-fang Zhong, Si-ying Wu, Nian Shi,EF-E2 Related Factor 2 Activation and Heme Oxygenase -1 Induction by tert-Butylhydroquinone Protect against Deltamethrin-Mediated Oxidative Stress in PC12 Cells, Chem. Res. Toxicol, 2007,20 ,1242-1251

12) Yuan-feng Li,Tao Li ,Mei-zhu Zhuang,Kai-liang Wang ,Juan Zhang,Nian Shi, High-dose dibutyl phthalate improves performance of F1 generation male rats in spatial learning and increases hippocampal BDNF expression independent on p-CREB immunocontent, Environmental, Toxicology and Pharmacology , 2010,29:32-38

13) Li H, Wu S, Shi N, Lian S, Lin W,Nrf2/HO-1 pathway activation by manganese is associated with reactive oxygen species and ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, not MAPKs signaling J Appl Toxicol. 2011;31(7):690-697

14) HY Li、SY Wu、Q Ma、and N Shi The pesticide deltamethrin increases free radical production and promotes nuclear translocation of the stress response transcription factor Nrf2 in rat brain ,Toxicology and industrial health ,2011,27(7):579-590

15)Huangyuan Li, Siying Wu, and Nian Shi, Effect of Glutathione Depletion on NRF2/ARE Activation by Deltamethrin in PC12 Cells, Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 2013;64(1):87-97

16)Yan Qing ,Nian Shi,et al Apoptosis induced by Trimethyltin chloride in human neuroblastoma cells SY5Y is regulated by a balance and cross-talk between NF-κB and MAPKs signaling pathways , Archives of Toxicology: Volume 87, Issue 7 (2013), Page 1273-1285


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