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Qiang Zeng

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume   English resume

  • Qiang Zeng

  • Present position: Lecturer

  • Faculty: Department of Occupational and Environmental Health

  • Address: 13 Hangkong Road, Wuhan, 430030, Hubei, China

  • Telephone: +86-27-83610149

  • Email: zengqiang506@163.com

Dr. Zeng received hisPh.D. degree in 2014 from School of Public Health,Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. After that,he continued to work as a postdoctoral in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Dr. Zeng’s research mainly focused on the effects of exposure to environmental chemicals on human health.Specific health effects of interest include male reproductive health, adverse birth outcomes, and cancers.He is currently conducting a number of funds, including National Natural Science Foundation of China, Nature Science Foundation of Hubei Province, and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, andalso participating in other funds such as NationalMajor Programs.


2004.9-2009.7 Bachelor of Medicine,School of Public Health, University ofSouth China

2009.9-2014.7 Ph.D. Major in Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Work experience

2014.7-2016.7 Postdoctoral researcher, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2016.7-presentLecturer, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Principal Investigator, “Associations of environmental exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, seminal plasma miRNA express and semen quality damage”, 2016-2018, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81502784), RMB 210,000

Principal Investigator, “The relationship between environmental exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and male reproductive health damage”, 2015-2016, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No.2015M580645), RMB 80,000

Principal Investigator, “The relationship between environmental levels of exposure to heavy metals and human semen quality”, 2015-2016, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 2015QN107), RMB 50,000

Honor & Awards

2013 National Scholarship for Graduate Student

2015 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Hubei Province


1. Wang YX, Sun Y, Huang Z, Wang P, Feng W, Li J, Yang P, Wang M, Sun L, Chen YJ, Liu C, Yue J, Gu LJ, Zeng Q, Lu WQ.Associations of urinary metal levels with serum hormones, spermatozoa apoptosis and sperm DNA damage in a Chinese population.Environment International. 2016;94:177-88 (Co-corresponding author).

2. Zeng Q, Cao WC, Zhou B, Yang P, Wang YX, Huang Z, Li J, Lu WQ. Predictors of prenatal blood trihalomethanes and urinary trichloroacetic acid concentrations among pregnant women. Environmental Science Technology.2016 17;50(10):5278-85.

3. Zeng Q, Zhou B, He DL, Wang YX, Wang M, Yang P, Huang Z, Li J, Lu WQ. Joint effects of trihalomethanes and trichloroacetic acid on semen quality: a population-based cross-sectional study in China. Environmental Pollution. 2016; 212: 544-549.

4. Yang P, Zeng Q, Cao WC, Wang YX, Huang Z, Li J, Liu C, Lu WQ. Interactions between CYP2E1, GSTZ1 and GSTT1 polymorphisms and exposure to drinking water trihalomethanes on semen quality. Environmental Research.2016; 147: 445-452 (Co-corresponding author).

5. Wang YX, Sun Y, Wang P, Feng W, Yang P, Li J, Huang Z, Chen YJ, Liu C, Sun L, Yue J, Gu LJ, Zeng Q, Lu WQ. Association of urinary metal levels with human semen quality: a cross-sectional study in China. Environment International. 2016; 91:51-59 (Co-corresponding author).

6. Zeng Q, Zhang SH, Liao J, Miao DY, Wang XY, Yang P, Yun LJ, Liu AL, Lu WQ. Evaluation of genotoxic effects caused by extracts of chlorinated drinking water using a combination of three different bioassays. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015; 296: 23-29.

7. Zeng Q, Feng W, Zhou B, Wang YX, He XS, Yang P, You L, Yue J, Li YF, Lu WQ. Urinary metal concentrations in relation to semen quality: a cross-sectional study in China. Environmental Science Technology. 2015; 49: 5052-5059.

8. Zeng Q, Wang YX, Xie SH, Xu L, Chen YZ, Li M, Yue J, Li YF, Liu AL, Lu WQ. Drinking water disinfection by-products and semen quality: a cross-sectional study in China. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2014;122: 741-746.

9. Zeng Q, Zhou B, Cao WC, Wang YX, You L, Huang YH, Yang P, Liu AL, Lu WQ. Predictors of urinary trichloroacetic acid and baseline blood trihalomethanes concentrations among men in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2014; 493: 806-811.

10. Wang YX, Zeng Q, Wang L, Huang YH, Lu ZW, Wang P, He MJ, Huang X, Lu WQ. Temporal variability in urinary levels of drinking water disinfection byproducts dichloroacetic acid and trichloroacetic acid among men. Environmental Research. 2014; 135: 126-132.

11. Zeng Q, Chen YZ, Xu L, Chen HX, Luo Y, Li M, Yue J, Liu AL, Li YF, Lu WQ. Evaluation of exposure to trihalomethanes in tap water and semen quality: a prospective study in Wuhan, China. Reproductive Toxicology. 2014; 46: 56-63.

12. Zeng Q, Li M, Xie SH, Gu LJ, Yue J, Cao WC, Zheng D, Liu AL, Li YF, Lu WQ. Baseline blood trihalomethanes, semen parameters and serum total testosterone: a cross-sectional study in China. Environment International. 2013; 54: 134-140.

13. Zeng Q, Zhou B, Feng W, Wang YX, Liu AL, Yue J, Li YF, Lu WQ. Associations of urinary metal concentrations and circulating testosterone in Chinese men. Reproductive Toxicology. 2013; 41:109-114.

14. Zeng Q, Cao WC, Xu L, Chen YZ, Yun LJ, Liu AL, Zhang J, Lu WQ. Spatial and temporal evaluations of estrogenic activity in tap water served by a water plant in Wuhan, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2013; 91: 198-203.


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