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Nie Shaofa

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume   English resume

  • Nie Shaofa

  • Present position:

  • Faculty: Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

  • Address:

  • Telephone:

  • Email: sf_nie@mails.tjmu.edu.cn


Professor, Director
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of Tongji medical college of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. NOV, 2000-present

Assistant Professor
Department of Epidemiology of Tongji Medical College. DEC,1992- NOV,2000


Department of Epidemiology of Tongji Medical College JAN,1986- NOV,1992

Teaching Assisitant

Department of Epidemiology of Wuhan medical college JAN,1976-DEC,1985

Bachelor of Medicine

Graduated from Wuhan medical college (now its name changed into Tongji medical college of Huazhong University of Science and Technology) DEC,1974


Prof.Nie mainly engaged in the infectious diseases and chronic diseases, and took charge of several projects including 3 items of National Natural Science Funded Project and other projects of provincial and ministerial levels. He was the editor of many textbooks, including the national plan teaching materials—-the Fifth and Sixth edition of “Epidemiology”, as well as other 10 monographs such as “Modern Epidemiology” and “Epidemiological Dictionary”, he was also the chief editor of graduate student’s teaching material—-“Clinical Epidemiology” and “Technique of Disinfection and pest Control Operation” and the subeditor of 21st century teaching material—-“Field Epidemiology”. He has obtained the third prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of Hubei Province and the first prize of pedagogical results of Hubei Province. He has published more than 150 articles as the first author and corresponding author. He has instructed more than 100 graduate and post-graduate students, of which there were 40 doctors, 3 foreign doctors, 1 foreign master student and 1 foreign postdoc). The main research field referred to macro-Epidemiology and Molecular Epidemiology, including Disinfection and Technology of Controlling Harmful Biology, AIDS, Tuberculosis, Tumor, Cardiovascular Vessel Disease, Early Warning of Major Infectious Diseases, etc.


1) Research of the reciprocal effects between the diet factor and large intestine cancer gene. “National Natural Science Foundation”, 2004-2006, (No. 30371239).

2) The Molecular Epidemiological study on the Relationship of the Polymorphisms of GH family genes, dietary factors and susceptibility of colorectal cancer. “National Natural Science Foundations”, 2006-2008, (No. 30571598).

3) The Law and Assistance Policy Study of the HIV/AIDS people by blood infection in Hubei Province. “Sino-British AIDS Projects”, 2005-2006

4) The Pilot Study of Improving the Decision-Making and Analyzing Capacity. “WHO and Ministry of Health of P.R.C”, 2005-2006

5) The Strategy Evaluation of the Comprehensive Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS in Hubei Province. “Sino-British AIDS Projects”, 2006-2007

6) The Finding Strategy Study of HIV/AIDS People in Tuberculosis Patients. “The National CDC Global Malaria Funds”, 2007-2009

7) The study of digital medical decision support system, based on grid. A sub-topic of “National High Technology Research and Development Program of China–863 Program)”, 2007-2009

8) The study on the forecasting and early warning and index system of Tuberculosis. “National Major Projects”, 2008-2010

9) The molecular epidemiological study of association among environmental factor, adiponection gene family, and colorectal cancer. “National Natural Science Foundation”, 2010-2012, (No. 30972534).

10) An integrated surveillance system for infectious disease in rural China: generating evidence for early detection of disease epidemics in resource-poor
Settings “Framework Programme 7”, 2010-2014.

11) The association study between Wnt signaling pathway and susceptibility of colorectal cancer, “National Natural Science Foundation”, 2012-2015, (No. 81172752)


1) Expert of National Science and Technology Progress Award and Natural Science Foundation, 2007-present

2) Expert of National Emerging Public Health Events Consultative Committee of Experts, 2003-present

3) Vice-chairman of Emerging Public Health Events Consultative Committee of Experts of Wuhan, 2004-present

4) Vice-chairman of Disinfection, Sterilize, Control Committee of Experts of Hubei Preventive Medical Association, 2004-present

5) Vice-chairman of Prevention and Control of Chronic diseases and Community Health Service Academy of Wuhan Branch of Chinese Preventive Association, 2000-present

6) Vice-chairman of Epidemiology Academy of Hubei Province, 2000-present

7) Expert of Wuhan Schistosomiasis Consultative Committee of Experts, 2000-present

8) Expert of Hubei Prevention and Control of pest Committee of Experts, 2000-present

PUBLICATIONS (Corresponding author)

1. Xia J, Yuan Y, Xu X, Wei F, Li G, Liu M, Li J, Chen R, Zhou Z, Nie S. Evaluating the effect of a novel molluscicide in the endemic schistosomiasis japonica area of China. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014 Oct 10;11(10):10406-18.

2. Fan Y, Wei Z, Wang W, Tan L, Jiang H, Tian L, Cao Y, Nie S. The incidence and distribution of surgical site infection in mainland China: a meta-analysis of 84 prospective observational studies. Sci Rep. 2014 Oct 30;4:6783.

3. Li T, Shi Y, Yin J, Qin Q, Wei S, Nie S, Liu L. The association between lipid metabolism gene polymorphisms and nephropathy in type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis. Int Urol Nephrol. 2014 Sep 28. [Epub ahead of print]

4. Fan Y, Wang Y, Jiang H, Yang W, Yu M, Yan W, Diwan VK, Xu B, Dong H, Palm L, Nie S. Evaluation of outbreak detection performance using multi-stream syndromic surveillance for influenza-like illness in rural hubei province, china: a temporal simulation model based on healthcare-seeking behaviors. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 19;9(11):e112255.

5. Fan Y, Yang M, Jiang H, Wang Y, Yang W, Zhang Z, Yan W, Diwan VK, Xu B, Dong H, Palm L, Liu L, Nie S. Estimating the effectiveness of early control measures through school absenteeism surveillance in observed outbreaks at rural schools in Hubei, China. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 24;9(9):e106856.

6. Zhou L, Yu L, Wang Y, Lu Z, Tian L, Tan L, Shi Y, Nie S, Liu L. A hybrid model for predicting the prevalence of schistosomiasis in humans of Qianjiang City, China. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 13;9(8):e104875.

7. Yu L, Zhou L, Tan L, Jiang H, Wang Y, Wei S, Nie S. Application of a new hybrid model with seasonal auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and nonlinear auto-regressive neural network (NARNN) in forecasting incidence cases of HFMD in Shenzhen, China. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 3;9(6):e98241.

8. Tan L, Wang Y, Zhou L, Shi Y, Zhang F, Liu L, Nie S. Parkinson’s disease and risk of fracture: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 8;9(4):e94379.

9. Qin Q, Sun J, Yin J, Liu L, Chen J, Zhang Y, Li T, Shi Y, Wei S, Nie S. Telomere length in peripheral blood leukocytes is associated with risk of colorectal cancer in Chinese population. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 3;9(2):e88135.

10. Jiang H, Xie N, Cao B, Tan L, Fan Y, Zhang F, Yao Z, Liu L, Nie S. Determinants of progression to AIDS and death following HIV diagnosis: a retrospective cohort study in Wuhan, China. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 23;8(12):e83078.

11. Cheng L, Tan L, Zhang L, Wei S, Liu L, Long L, Zhang J, Wu Y, Zhang Q, Nie S. Chronic disease mortality in rural and urban residents in Hubei Province, China, 2008-2010. BMC Public Health. 2013 Aug 2;13:713.

12. Qin Q, Liu L, Zhong R, Zou L, Yin J, Zhu B, Cao B, Chen W, Chen J, Li X, Li T, Lu X, Lou J, Ke J, Wei S, Miao X, Nie S. The genetic variant on chromosome 10p14 is associated with risk of colorectal cancer: results from a case-control study and a meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2013 May 22;8(5):e64310.

13. Yu H, Feng L, Viboud CG, Shay DK, Jiang Y, Zhou H, Zhou M, Xu Z, Hu N, Yang W, Nie S. Regional variation in mortality impact of the 2009 A(H1N1) influenza pandemic in China. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2013 Nov;7(6):1350-60.

14. Zhang F, Xiang H, Fan Y, Ganchuluun TA, Kong W, Ouyang Q, Sun J, Cao B, Jiang H, Nie S. The effects of sulfonylureas plus metformin on lipids, blood pressure, and adverse events in type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Endocrine. 2013 Dec;44(3):648-58.

15. Liu L, Zhong R, Wei S, Xiang H, Chen J, Xie D, Yin J, Zou L, Sun J, Chen W, Miao X, Nie S. The leptin gene family and colorectal cancer: interaction with smoking behavior and family history of cancer. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 8;8(4):e60777.

16. Zhong R, Liu L, Zou L, Sheng W, Zhu B, Xiang H, Chen W, Chen J, Rui R, Zheng X, Yin J, Duan S, Yang B, Sun J, Lou J, Liu L, Xie D, Xu Y, Nie S, Miao X. Genetic variations in the TGFβ signaling pathway, smoking and risk of colorectal cancer in a Chinese population. Carcinogenesis. 2013 Apr;34(4):936-42.

17. Yin J, Li Y, Yin M, Sun J, Liu L, Qin Q, Li X, Long L, Nie S, Wei S. TERT-CLPTM1L polymorphism rs401681 contributes to cancers risk: evidence from a meta-analysis based on 29 publications. PLoS One. 2012;7(11):e50650.

18. Huang S, Hu X, Chen H, Xie D, Gan X, Wu Y, Nie S, Wu J. The positive effect of an intervention program on the hypertension knowledge and lifestyles of rural residents over the age of 35 years in an area of China. Hypertens Res. 2011 Apr;34(4):503-8.

19. Liu L, Yuan P, Liu L, Wu C, Zhang X, Guo H, Zhong R, Xu Y, Wu J, Duan S, Rui R, Wu T, Nie S, Miao X, and Lin D. A functional -77T>C polymorphism in XRCC1 is associated with risk of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2011; 125(2): 479-487.

20. Huang S, Xu Y, Yue L, Wei S, Liu L, Gan X, Zhou S, Nie S. Evaluating the risk of hypertension using an artificial neural network method in rural residents over the age of 35 years in a Chinese area. Hypertens Res. 2010 Jul;33(7):722-6.

21. Liu L, Yuan P, Wu C, Zhang X, Wang F, Guo H, Zhong R, Xu Y, Wu J, Yu D, Wu T, Zhang X, Nie S, Miao X, and Lin D. Assessment of XPD Lys751Gln and XRCC1 T-77C polymorphisms in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy. Lung Cancer. 2010.

22. Xiang H, Liu L, Chu G, Wei S, Liu J, Xu Y, Chen J, Wang C, Wei Q, and Nie S. Association between two functional polymorphisms of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 and colorectal cancer risk in a Chinese population. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 2009; 72(11-12): 706-711.

23. Li X, Liu J, Cheng J, Han S, Geng Y, Wei S, Gao S, Huang D, Nie S. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 gene K469E polymorphism and ischemic stroke: a case-control study in a Chinese population. Mol Biol Rep, 2009; 36(6): 1565-1571.

24. Mkangara OB, Nie S, Wang C, Xu Y, Mweri ST, Kobelo TM, Bapumiia M. Epidemiology of human immuno-deficiency virus and quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS in China. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci. 2008; 28(2): 230-233.

25. Huang S, Xu Y, Yue L, Wei S, Liu L, Gan X, Zhou S, and Nie S. Evaluating the risk of hypertension using an artificial neural network method in rural residents over the age of 35 years in a Chinese area. Hypertens Res. 2010; 33(7): 722-726.

26. Xie D, Xiong W, Xiang L, Fu X, Yu Y, Liu L, Huang S, Wang X, Gan X, Xu M, Wang H, Xiang H, Xu Y, and Nie S. Point prevalence surveys of healthcare-associated infection in 13 hospitals in Hubei Province, China, 2007-2008. J Hosp Infect. 2010; 76(2): 150-155.

27. Wang C, Wei S, Xiang H, Xu Y, Han S, Mkangara OB, Nie S. Evaluating the effectiveness of an emergency preparedness training programme for public health staff in China. Public Health. 2008; 122(5): 471-477.

28. Liu J, Cheng J, Peng J, Han S, Yu L, Nie S. Effects of polymorphisms of heat shock protein 70 gene on ischemic stroke, and interaction with smoking in China. Clin Chim Acta. 2007; 384(1-2): 64-68.

29. Liang XY, Nie SF, Qu KY, Peng XX, Wei S, Zhu GB, Wu LJ, Guo XH, Xiao R, Ju LR, Wang W. Evaluation of health-related quality of life among hypertensive patients in a rural area, PR China. J Hum Hypertens. 2006; 20(3): 227-229.

30. Cheng J, Liu J, Li X, Peng J, Han S, Zhang R, Xu Y, Nie S. Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor polymorphism and ischemic stroke: a case-control study in Chinese population. Acta Neurol Scand. 2008; 118(5): 333-338.

31. Wang C, Yang N, Wu S, Liu L, Sun X, Nie S. Difference of NPY and its receptor gene expressions between obesity and obesity-resistant rats in response to high-fat diet. Horm Metab Res. 2007; 39(4): 262-267.

32. Wang C, Wei S, Xiang H, Wu J, Xu Y, Liu L, Nie S. Development and evaluation of a leadership training program for public health emergency response: results from a Chinese study. BMC Public Health. 2008; 8(1): 377-384.

33. Chamla DD,Nie S, Duan Q. Retrospective descriptive study of adult tuberculosis in Wuhan, China. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2004; 8(6): 730–736.


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