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Xiaoping Miao

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume   English resume

  • Xiaoping Miao

  • Present position:

  • Faculty: Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

  • Address:

  • Telephone:

  • Email: miaoxp@mail.hust.edu.cn or miaoxp@gmail.com

Current appointment


Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Associate Dean
School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Education & Professional Training

I have been serving the School of Public Health in Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) since April 2009. Before I joined the HUST, I have been trained as a postdoctoral fellow and assistant professor in the University of Hong Kong in the area of genetic epidemiology. I took my postgraduate education and got PH.D. Degree from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC).

Research Interest

My major area of research interest is molecular epidemiology and genetic epidemiology. We apply a variety of molecular epidemiological and biochemical approaches to investigate the associations between genetic variants and susceptibility to common cancers, with an emphasis in characterization of biological functions as the underlying molecular mechanisms. We have identified several cancer susceptibility loci by candidate gene association studies, involving gene-gene, gene-environment interactions and phenotype-genotype correlation. Moreover, we carried out genome wide association studies to completely dissect the genetic susceptibility of pancreatic cancer and biliary atresia, a severe congenital disorder of digestive system. I have published 167 SCI papers, such as Nat Genet, J Natl Cancer Inst, Gastroenterology, Gut and Cancer Res, including 53 papers as corresponding author and 19 papers as first author. My current H factor in web of science is 38, with total citations 4800


1. PI: Outstanding young scientists of Organization Department of the CPC

2. PI: National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (2014AA020609)

3. PI:Fok Ying Tung Foundation for Young Teachers in the Higher Education Institutions of China (131038)

4. PI: National Natural Science Foundation of China for excellent young scientist (81222038)

5. PI: Natural Science Foundation of Hubei for Distinguished Young Scientists (2012FFA011)

6. PI: National Natural Science Foundation of China (81171878)

7. PI: the New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-10-0388)

8. PI: the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2010QN005)

9. PI: National Natural Science Foundation of China (81001275)


1. 2008, the 2nd Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award

2. 2006, the 2nd Prize of Natuonal Natural Science Award.

3. 2005, the 1st Prize of Beijing Natural Science Award.

4. 2005, the 2nd Prize of Natural Science Award from Ministry of Health P.R.China

Academic Participation

1. Academic Editor, PLoS One

2. Member of Editorial Board, Chinese Diseases Prevention Journal (Zhonghua Yufang Yixue Zazhi)

3. Member, Chinese Preventive Medicine Assocition

4. Member, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association

5. Member, Genetics Society of China

6. Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals, including Cancer Res, Hum Mol Genet, Hum Mutat, Hum Genet, Carcinogenesis,Cancer, Int J Cancer, Cancer Epidemiol, et al.

Selected Publications

1. Zhu B, Sun Y, Qi L, Zhong R, Miao X. Dietary legume consumption reduces risk of colorectal cancer: evidence from a meta-analysis of cohort studies. Sci Rep. 2015;5:8797.

2. Shen N, Liu C, Li J, Chen X, Yang Y, Zhu Y, Gong Y, Gong J, Zhong R, Cheng L, Miao X*. A phosphorylation-related variant ADD1-rs4963 modifies the risk of colorectal cancer. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):e0121485.

3. Gong J, Liu W, Zhang J, Miao X*, Guo AY. lncRNASNP: a database of SNPs in lncRNAs and their potential functions in human and mouse. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015; 43(Database issue):D181-6.

4. Guo H, Chen W, Ming J, Zhong R, Yi P, Zhu B, Miao X*, Huang T. Association between polymorphisms in cdc27 and breast cancer in a Chinese population. Tumour Biol. 2015;36(7):5299-304.

5. Lou J, Zhong R, Shen N, Lu XZ, Ke JT, Duan JY, Qi YQ, Wang YJ, Zhang Q, Wang W, Gong FQ, Miao XP. Systematic confirmation study of GWAS-identified genetic variants for Kawasaki disease in a Chinese population.Sci Rep. 2015;5:8194.

6. Zhong R, Chen X, Chen X, Zhu B, Lou J, Li J, Shen N, Yang Y, Gong Y, Zhu Y, Yuan J, Xia X, Miao X*. MAD1L1 Arg558His and MAD2L1 Leu84Met interaction with smoking increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Sci Rep. 2015;5:12202.

7. Zhu B, Tian J, Zhong R, Tian Y, Chen W, Qian J, Zou L, Xiao M, Shen N, Yang H, Lou J, Qiu Q, Ke J, Lu X, Song W, Li H, Liu L, Wang L, Miao X*. Genetic variants in the SWI/SNF complex and smoking collaborate to modify the risk of pancreatic cancer in a Chinese population. Mol Carcinog. 2015;54(9):761-8.

8. Zhu B, Zou L, Qi L, Zhong R, Miao X*. Allium Vegetables and Garlic Supplements do Not Reduce Risk of Colorectal Cancer, Based on Meta-analysis of Prospective Studies. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014;12(12):1991-2001.

9. Chen W, Li J, Liu C, Chen X, Zhu Y, Yang Y, Gong Y, Wang T, Miao X*, Nie X. A functional p53 responsive polymorphism in KITLG, rs4590952, does not affect the risk of breast cancer. Sci Rep. 2014 Sep 15;4:6371.

10. Chen YY, Liu JB, Huang XB, Cai SX, Su ZM, Zhong R, Zou L, Miao XP. New integrated strategy emphasizing infection source control to curb Schistosomiasis japonica in a marshland area of Hubei Province, China: findings from an eight-year longitudinal survey. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 28;9(2):e89779.

11. Gong J, Shen N, Zhang HM, Zhong R, Chen W, Miao X*, Guo AY. A genetic variant in microRNA target site of TGF-β signaling pathway increases the risk of colorectal cancer in a Chinese population. Tumour Biol. 2014;35(5):4301-6.

12. Wang Z, Hong Y, Zou L, Zhong R, Zhu B, Shen N, Chen W, Lou J, Ke J, Zhang T, Wang W, Miao X. Reelin gene variants and risk of autism spectrum disorders: an integrated meta-analysis. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2014;165B(2):192-200.

13. Zhang Y, Yi P, Chen W, Ming J, Zhu B, Li Z, Shen N, Shi W, Ke J, Zhao Q, Lu X, Xun X, Liu L, Song R, Guo H, Zhong R, Liang L, Huang T, Miao X. Association between polymorphisms within the susceptibility region 8q24 and breast cancer in a Chinese population. Tumour Biol. 2014;35(3):2649-54.

14. Liu L, Zhong R, Zou L, Fu J, Zhu B, Chen W, Ye X, Gao Y, Yang Y, Christiani DC, Chen S, Miao X. Variants in the 5′-upstream region of GPC5 confer risk of lung cancer in never smokers. Cancer Epidemiol. 2014;38(1):66-72.

15. Zou L Zhong R, Shen N, Chen W, Zhu B, Ke J, Lu X, Zhang T, Lou J, Wang Z, Liu L, Qi L, Miao X. Non-linear dose-response relationship between cigarette smoking and pancreatic cancer risk: evidence from a meta-analysis of 42 observational studies. Eur J Cancer. 2014;50(1):193-203.

16. Shen N, Gong J, Wang Y, Tian J, Qian J, Zou L, Chen W, Zhu B, Lu X, Zhong R, Guo A, Wang L, Miao X. Integrative Genomic Analysis Identifies That SERPINA6-rs1998056 Regulated by FOXA/ERα Is Associated with Female Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLoS One. 2014;9(9):e107246.

17. Duan J, Lou J, Zhang Q, Ke J, Qi Y, Shen N, Zhu B, Zhong R, Wang Z, Liu L, Wu J, Wang W, Gong F, Miao X. A Genetic Variant rs1801274 in FCGR2A as a Potential Risk Marker for Kawasaki Disease: A Case-Control Study and Meta-Analysis. PLoS One. 2014;9(8):e103329.

18. Zhu B, Zou L, Han J, Chen W, Shen N, Zhong R, Li J, Chen X, Liu C, Shi Y, Miao X. Parity and pancreatic cancer risk: evidence from a meta-analysis of twenty epidemiologic studies. Sci Rep. 2014;4:5313.

19. Zhong R, Liu L, Tian Y, Wang Y, Tian J, Zhu BB, Chen W, Qian JM, Zou L, Xiao M, Shen N, Yang H, Lou J, Qiu Q, Ke JT, Lu XH, Wang ZL, Song W, Zhang T, Li H, Wang L, Miao XP*. Genetic variant in SWI/SNF complexes influences hepatocellular carcinoma risk: a new clue for the contribution of chromatin remodeling in carcinogenesis. Sci Rep. 2014;4:4147.

20. Li J, Zou L, Chen W, Zhu B, Shen N, Ke J, Lou J, Song R, Zhong R, Miao X. Dietary mushroom intake may reduce the risk of breast cancer: evidence from a meta-analysis of observational studies. PLoS One. 2014;9(4):e93437.

21. Zhong R, Liu L, Zou L, Zhu Y, Chen W, Zhu B, Shen N, Rui R, Long L, Ke J, Lu X, Zhang T, Zhang Y, Wang Z, Liu L, Sun Y, Cheng L, Miao X. Genetic variations in TERT-CLPTM1L locus are associated with risk of lung cancer in Chinese population. Mol Carcinog. 2013;52 Suppl 1:E118-26.

22. Yang J, Duan S, Zhong R, Yin J, Pu J, Ke J, Lu X, Zou L, Zhang H, Zhu Z, Wang D,
Xiao H, Guo A, Xia J, Miao X*, Tang S*, Wang G*. Exome Sequencing Identified NRG3 as a Novel Susceptible Gene of Hirschsprung’s Disease in a Chinese Population. Mol Neurobiol. 2013 47(3):957-66.

23. Zhong R, Liu L, Zou L, Sheng W, Zhu B, Xiang H, Chen W, Chen J, Rui R, Zheng X,
Yin J, Duan S, Yang B, Sun J, Lou J, Liu L, Xie D, Xu Y, Nie S, Miao X*. Genetic variations in the TGFβ signaling pathway, smoking and risk of colorectal cancer in a Chinese population. Carcinogenesis. 2013 34(4):936-42.

24. Chen W, Zhong R, Ming J, Zou L, Zhu B, Lu X, Ke J, Zhang Y, Liu L, Miao X*, Huang T. The SLC4A7 variant rs4973768 is associated with breast cancer risk: evidence from
a case-control study and a meta-analysis. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012;136(3):847-57.

25. Wu C*, Miao X*, Huang L, Che X, Jiang G, Yu D, Yang X, Cao G, Hu Z, Zhou Y, Zuo C, Wang C, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Yu X, Dai W, Li Z, Shen H, Liu L,Chen Y, Zhang S, Wang X, Zhai K, Chang J, Liu Y, Sun M, Cao W, Gao J, Ma Y, Zheng X, Cheung ST, Jia Y, Xu J, Tan W, Zhao P, Wu T, Wang C, Lin D. Genome-wide association study identifies five loci associated with susceptibility to pancreatic cancer in Chinese populations. Nat Genet. 2012; 44(1):62-6. (*Co-first author)

26. Zhang X, Zhong R, Zhang Z, Yuan J, Liu L, Wang Y, Wang Y, Kadlubar S, Feng F, Miao X*. Interaction of Cycloxygenase-2 promoter polymorphisms with Helicobacter pylori infection and risk of gastric cancer. Mol Carcinog. 2011; 50(11): 876-83.

27. Liu L, Wu C, Wang Y, Zhong R, Duan S, Wei S, Lin S, Zhang X, Tan W, Yu D, Nie S, Miao X*, Lin D*. Combined Effect of Genetic Polymorphisms in P53, P73, and MDM2 on Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Survival. J Thorac Oncol. 2011; 6(11): 1793-800. (*Corresponding author)

28. Liu L, Wu J, Wu C, Wang Y, Zhong R, Zhang X, Tan W, Nie S, Miao X*, Lin D*. A functional polymorphism (-16071G>2G) in the MMP-1 promoter is associated with development and progression of lung cancer. Cancer. 2011; 117(22): 5172-81.

29. Liu L, Wu C, Wang Y, Zhong R, Wang F, Zhang X, Duan S, Lou J, Yu D, Tan W, Yuan J, Wu T, Nie S, Miao X*, Lin D*. Association of candidate genetic variations with gastric cardia adenocarcinoma inChinese population: a multiple-interaction analysis. Carcinogenesis. 2011; 32(3): 336-42. (*Corresponding author)

30. Liu L, Yuan P, Wu C, Zhang X, Wang F, Guo H, Zhong R, Xu Y, Wu J, Yu D, Wu T, Nie S, Miao X*, Lin D. Assessment of XPD Lys751Gln and XRCC1 T-77C polymorphisms in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy. Lung Cancer, 2011; 73(1):110-5. (*Corresponding author)

31. Liu L, Yuan P, Liu L, Wu C, Zhang X, Guo H, Zhong R, Xu Y, Wu J, Duan S, Rui R,
Wu T, Nie S, Miao X*, Lin D. A functional -77T>C polymorphism in XRCC1 is associated with risk of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2011; 125(2): 479-87.

32. Garcia-Barcelo M*, Yeung, M*, Miao X*,Tang C, Chen G, So M, Ngan E, Lui V, Chen Y, Liu X, Hui K, Li L, Guo W, Sun X, Tou J, Chan K, Wu X, Song Y, Chan D, Cheung K, Cheung P, Wong K,Sham P, Cherny S, Tam P. Genome-wide association study identifies a susceptibility locus for biliary atresia on 10q24.2. Hum Mol Genet. 2010; 19(14): 2917-25. (* Co-first authors)

33. Miao X, Leon T, Ngan S, So M, Yuan Z, Lui V, Chen Y, Wong K, Tam P, Garcia-Barcelo M. Reduced RET expression in gut tissue of individuals carrying risk alleles of Hirschsprung’s Disease. Hum Mol Genet. 2010; 19(8):1461-7. (Corresponding author)

34. Miao X, Garcia-barcelo M, So M, Ngan E, Leon T, Lau D, Lui V, Tam P. Role of RET and PHOX2B Gene Polymorphisms in Risk of Hirschsprung’s Disease in Chinese Population. Gut. 2007; 56(5): 736.

35. Miao XP, Zhang XM, Zhang LQ, Guo YL, Hao BT, Tan W, He FC, Lin DX. Adenosine Diphosphate Ribosyl Transferase and X-ray Repair Cross-Complementing 1 Polymorphisms in Gastric Cardia Cancer. Gastroenterology 2006; 131(2):420-7.

36. Hao B*, Miao X*, Li Y, Wang H, Zhang X, Tan W, He F and Lin D. A novel T-77C polymorphism in DNA repair gene XRCC1 contributes to diminished promoter activity and increased risk of non-small cell lung cancer. Oncogene 2006; 25(25):3613-20. (* Co-first authors)

37. Zhang X*, Miao X*, Guo Y, Tan W, Zhou Y, Sun T, Wang Y and Lin D. Genetic Polymorphisms in Cell Cycle Regulatory Genes MDM2 and P53 Are Associated with Susceptibility to Lung Cancer. Hum Mutat 2006; 27(1):110-7. (* Co-first authors)

38. Sun T*, Miao X*, Zhang X, Tan W, Xiong P, Lin D. Polymorphisms of death pathway genes FAS and FASL in esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2004; 96(13):1030-6. (* Co-first authors)

39. Hong Y*, Miao X*, Zhang X, Ding F, Luo A, Guo Y, Tan W, Liu Z and Lin D. The Role of P53 and MDM2 Polymorphisms in the Risk of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancer Res. 2005; 65(20):9582-7. (* Co-first authors)

40. Zhang X*, Miao X*, Tan W, Ning B, Liu Z, Hong Y, Song W, Guo Y, Zhang X, Shen Y, Qiang B, Kadlubar FF, Lin D. Identification of functional genetic variants in cyclooxygenase-2 and their association with risk of esophageal cancer. Gastroenterology, 2005; 129(2): 565-76. (* Co-first authors)

41. Wang L*, Miao X*, Tan W, Lu X, Zhao P, Zhao X, Shan Y, Li H and Lin D. Genetic polymorphisms in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and thymidylate synthase and risk of pancreatic cancer. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2005; 3(8): 743-51. (* Co-first authors)

42. Zhang X*, Miao X*, Sun T, Qu S, Xiong P, Tan W and Lin D. Functional polymorphisms in cell death pathway genes FAS and FASL contribute to risk of lung cancer. J Med Genet, 2005; 42(6): 479-84. (* Co-first authors)

43. Zhang X*, Miao X*, Wang Y, Hao B, Tan W, Li Y , Guo Y, He F and Lin D. Polymorphisms in DNA base excision repair genes ADPRT and XRCC1 and risk of lung cancer. Cancer Res. 2005; 65(3): 722-6. (* Co-first authors)

44. Miao X, Sun T, Wang Y, Zhang X, Tan W, Lin D. Functional STK15 Phe31Ile polymorphism is associated with the occurrence and advanced disease status of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Res. 2004;64(8): 2680-3.

45. Miao X, Yu C, Tan W, Xiong P, Liang G, Lu W, Lin D. A functional polymorphism in the matrix metalloproteinase-2 gene promoter (-1306C/T) is associated with risk of development but not metastasis of gastric cardia adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res. 2003; 63(14):3987-90.

46. Li L, He M, Zhou L, Miao X, Wu F, Huang S, Dai X, Wang T, Wu T. A solute carrier family 22 member 3 variant rs3088442 G→A associated with coronary heart disease inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response. J Biol Chem. 2015;290(9):5328-40.

47. Wang J, Li X, Han X, Yang K, Liu B, Li Y, Peipei Wu, Xuezhen Liu, Kuai Yu, Xiayun Dai, Yuan J, Yao P, Zhang X, Huan Guo, Youjie Wang, Weihong Chen, Sheng Wei, Miao X, Xinwen Min, Liang Y, Handong Yang, Hu FB, Tangchun Wu, He M. Serum creatinine levels and risk of metabolic syndrome in a middle-aged and older Chinese population. Clin Chim Acta. 2015;440:177-82.

48. He M, Xu M, Zhang B, Liang J, Chen P, Lee JY, Johnson TA, Li H, Yang X, Dai J, Liang L, Gui L, Qi Q, Huang J, Li Y, Adair LS, Aung T, Cai Q, Cheng CY, Cho MC, Cho YS, Chu M, Cui B, Gao YT, Go MJ, Gu D, Gu W, Guo H, Hao Y, Hong J, Hu Z, Hu Y, Huang J, Hwang JY, Ikram MK, Jin G, Kang DH, Khor CC, Kim BJ, Kim HT, Kubo M, Lee J, Lee J, Lee NR, Li R, Li J, Liu J, Longe J, Lu W, Lu X, Miao X, Okada Y, Ong RT, Qiu G, Seielstad M, Sim X, Song H, Takeuchi F, Tanaka T, Taylor PR, Wang L, Wang W, Wang Y, Wu C, Wu Y, Xiang YB, Yamamoto K, Yang H, Liao M, Yokota M, Young T, Zhang X, Kato N, Wang QK, Zheng W, Hu FB, Lin D, Shen H, Teo YY, Mo Z, Wong TY, Lin X, Mohlke KL, Ning G, Tsunoda T, Han BG, Shu XO, Tai ES, Wu T, Qi L. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of adult height in East Asians identifies 17 novel loci. Hum Mol Genet. 2015;24(6):1791-800.

49. Wu C, Wang Z, Song X, Feng XS, Abnet CC, He J, Hu N, Zuo XB, Tan W, Zhan Q, Hu Z, He Z, Jia W, Zhou Y, Yu K, Shu XO, Yuan JM, Zheng W, Zhao XK, Gao SG, Yuan ZQ, Zhou FY, Fan ZM, Cui JL, Lin HL, Han XN, Li B, Chen X, Dawsey SM, Liao L, Lee MP, Ding T, Qiao YL, Liu Z, Liu Y, Yu D, Chang J, Wei L, Gao YT, Koh WP, Xiang YB, Tang ZZ, Fan JH, Han JJ, Zhou SL, Zhang P, Zhang DY, Yuan Y, Huang Y, Liu C, Zhai K, Qiao Y, Jin G, Guo C, Fu J, Miao X, Lu C, Yang H, Wang C, Wheeler WA, Gail M, Yeager M, Yuenger J, Guo ET, Li AL, Zhang W, Li XM, Sun LD, Ma BG, Li Y, Tang S, Peng XQ, Liu J, Hutchinson A, Jacobs K, Giffen C, Burdette L, Fraumeni JF Jr, Shen H, Ke Y, Zeng Y, Wu T, Kraft P, Chung CC, Tucker MA, Hou ZC, Liu YL, Hu YL, Liu Y, Wang L, Yuan G, Chen LS, Liu X, Ma T, Meng H, Sun L, Li XM, Li XM, Ku JW, Zhou YF, Yang LQ, Wang Z, Li Y, Qige Q, Yang WJ, Lei GY, Chen LQ, Li EM, Yuan L, Yue WB, Wang R, Wang LW, Fan XP, Zhu FH, Zhao WX, Mao YM, Zhang M, Xing GL, Li JL, Han M, Ren JL, Liu B, Ren SW, Kong QP, Li F, Sheyhidin I, Wei W, Zhang YR, Feng CW, Wang J, Yang YH, Hao HZ, Bao QD, Liu BC, Wu AQ, Xie D, Yang WC, Wang L, Zhao XH, Chen SQ, Hong JY, Zhang XJ, Freedman ND, Goldstein AM, Lin D, Taylor PR, Wang LD, Chanock SJ. Joint analysis of three genome-wide association studies of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in Chinese populations. Nat Genet. 2014;6(9):1001-6.

50. Shi Y, Li L, Hu Z, Li S, Wang S, Liu J, Wu C, He L, Zhou J, Li Z, Hu T, Chen Y, Jia Y, Wang S, Wu L, Cheng X, Yang Z, Yang R, Li X, Huang K, Zhang Q, Zhou H, Tang F, Chen Z, Shen J, Jiang J, Ding H, Xing H, Zhang S, Qu P, Song X, Lin Z, Deng D, Xi L, Lv W, Han X, Tao G, Yan L, Han Z, Li Z, Miao X, Pan S, Shen Y, Wang H, Liu D, Gong E, Li Z, Zhou L, Luan X, Wang C, Song Q, Wu S, Xu H, Shen J, Qiang F, Ma G, Liu L, Chen X, Liu J, Wu J, Shen Y, Wen Y, Chu M, Yu J, Hu X, Fan Y, He H, Jiang Y, Lei Z, Liu C, Chen J, Zhang Y, Yi C, Chen S, Li W, Wang D, Wang Z, Di W, Shen K, Lin D, Shen H, Feng Y, Xie X, Ma D. A genome-wide association study identifies two new cervical cancer susceptibility loci at 4q12 and 17q12. Nat Genet. 2013;45(8):918-22.

51. Wu C, Kraft P, Zhai K, Chang J, Wang Z, Li Y, Hu Z, He Z, Jia W, Abnet CC, Liang L, Hu N, Miao X, Zhou Y, Liu Z, Zhan Q, Liu Y, Qiao Y, Zhou Y, Jin G, Guo C, Lu C, Yang H, Fu J, Yu D, Freedman ND, Ding T, Tan W, Goldstein AM, Wu T, Shen H, Ke Y, Zeng Y, Chanock SJ, Taylor PR, Lin D. Genome-wide association analyses of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in Chinese identify multiple susceptibility loci and gene-environment interactions. Nat Genet. 2012;44(10):1090-7.

52. Wu C, Miao X, Huang L, Che X, Jiang G, Yu D, Yang X, Cao G, Hu Z, Zhou Y, Zuo C, Wang C, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Yu X, Dai W, Li Z, Shen H, Liu L, Chen Y, Zhang S, Wang X, Zhai K, Chang J, Liu Y, Sun M, Cao W, Gao J, Ma Y, Zheng X, Cheung ST, Jia Y, Xu J, Tan W, Zhao P, Wu T, Wang C, Lin D. Genome-wide association study identifies five loci associated with susceptibility to pancreatic cancer in Chinese populations. Nat Genet. 2012;44(1):62-6.

53. Shi Y, Hu Z, Wu C, Dai J, Li H, Dong J, Wang M, Miao X, Zhou Y, Lu F, Zhang H, Hu L, Jiang Y, Li Z, Chu M, Ma H, Chen J, Jin G, Tan W, Wu T, Zhang Z, Lin D, Shen H. A genome-wide association study identifies new susceptibility loci for non-cardia gastric cancer at 3q13.31 and 5p13.1. Nat Genet. 2011;43(12):1215-8.

54. Wu C, Hu Z, He Z, Jia W, Wang F, Zhou Y, Liu Z, Zhan Q, Liu Y, Yu D, Zhai K, Chang J, Qiao Y, Jin G, Liu Z, Shen Y, Guo C, Fu J, Miao X, Tan W, Shen H, Ke Y, Zeng Y, Wu T, Lin D. Genome-wide association study identifies three new susceptibility loci for esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma in Chinese populations. Nat Genet. 2011;43(7):679-84.


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