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Jing Wu

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume   English resume

  • Jing Wu

  • Present position: Assistant professor

  • Faculty: Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

  • Address:

  • Telephone:

  • Email: wujingtj@hust.edu.cn

Dr. Jing Wu is tenured assistant professor in the department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST). She graduated with a major in Maternal and Child Health Care in 2002 and received her PhD in 2007 from Tongji Medical College. Dr. Wu’s research is mainly focused on genetic biomarkers and their biological functions in childhood neurodevelopmental disorders (especially attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and the application of biostatistics in health insurance. As PI she has chaired more than 10 research projects, and published over 30 original papers (20 of them published in SCI-collected journals). As a deputy editor, she has published a textbook and a popular science book. Dr. Wu has served as a member of China Health Insurance Research Association and a member of Professional Committee for Health Statistics, Wuhan Institute of Preventive Medicine. In 2011 Dr. Wu won the second prize for excellent quality of teaching and the second prize for teaching competition for young teachers in HUST, and she was the recipient of the Outstanding Research Paper Award of China Health Insurance Research Association in 2007, 2009 and 2014 respectively.


1997/09-2002/06   Bachelor’s Degree of Medicine

The Faculty of Maternal and Child Health Care
Tongji Medical College
Huazhong University of Science & Technology

2002/09-2007/06   Doctoral Degree of Philosophy

Department of Maternal and Child Health Care
School of Public Health
Tongji Medical College
Huazhong University of Science & Technology
(one year ahead for excellent achievement)


Chinese, English, A little German

Work Experience

2007/07-2012/10   Lecturer

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
School of Public Health
Tongji Medical College
Huazhong University of Science & Technology

2012/11- present    Assistant professor

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
School of Public Health
Tongji Medical College
Huazhong University of Science & Technology

Research Grants

1. Genetic variations of potassium-mediated signal network and susceptibility of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81101016). From 2012/01 to 2014/12 (210,000 RMB). (PI)

2. The effect of data granularity scale on mining expectation in data analysis of large cohort. Supported by Innovation Research Fund, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (2014TS049). From 2014/04 to 2015/12 (50,000 RMB). (PI)

3. Genetic variations of the complex of spindle assembly checkpoint and susceptibility of colorectal cancer. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81001275). From 2011/01-2013/12 (220,000 RMB). (Co-PI)

4. Identification and validation of susceptibility gene in colorectal cancer based on circadian rhythm regulation network. Supported by Innovation Research Fund, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (2011QN200). From 2011/06-2012/12 (50,000 RMB). (PI)

5. Assessment for medical practices of county hospitals impacted by health care reform based on DRGs. Supported by Johnson & Johnson Medical (China) Ltd. From 2011/08-2012/07 (1,000,000 RMB). (PI)

6. Payment policy for outpatients participated in the basic medical insurance for urban residents. Supported by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. From 2011/09-2012/02 (100,000 RMB). (PI)

7. Early warning study on the pressure of aging on the health insurance fund of Shenzhou. Supported by Shenzhen Social Insurance Fund Board. From 2011/06-2011/12 (150,000 RMB). (PI)

8. Technical standards for smart card of health insurance. Supported by China Health Insurance Research Association. From 2009/07-2010/06 (400,000 RMB). (PI)

9. Mechanical Stapler Adoption: HE&R Market Research in S2 China. Supported by Johnson & Johnson Medical (China) Ltd. From 2009/10-2010/06 (465,000 RMB). (PI)

10. Evaluation system of sexual health intervention project. Supported by Medical Research Fund, Huazhong University of Science & Technology. From 2008/01-2009/12. (PI)

11. Early intervention on adolescents’ sexual behavior. Supported by “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” Key Issues, Department of Education of Hubei Province. From 2007/09-2008/08. (PI)

Career Goals

1. Genetic biomarkers and their biological functions in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with the techniques of epidemiology, molecular and cellular biology, genetics, bioinformatics and others.

2. Environments, genes and their interaction in the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

3. The application of biostatistics in health insurance.

i- Publications in peer-reviewed journals (in English)

1. Liu DY, Shen XM, Yuan FF, Guo OY, Zhong Y, Chen JG, Zhu LQ*, Wu J*. The physiology of BDNF and its relationship with ADHD. Mol Neurobiol, 2015, 52(3):1467-1476.

2. Sun H, Yuan F, Shen X, Xiong G, Wu J*. Role of COMT in ADHD: A systematic meta-analysis. Mol Neurobiol, 2014, 49(1): 251-261.

3. Xu Q, Yuan F, Shen X, Wen H, Li W, Cheng B, Wu J*. Polymorphisms of C242T and A640G in CYBA gene and the risk of coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis. PLoS One, 2014 Jan; 9(1): e84251.

4. Zheng C*, Zhang J, Wu J*, Zhang MM. The effect of transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation on pregnancy rates in women undergoing in vitro fertilization: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 2014 May 9; 15:162.

5. Liu L, Wu J, Zhong R, Wu C, Zou L, Yang B, Chen W, Zhu B, Duan S, Yu D, Tan W, Nie S, Lin D, Miao X*. Multi-loci analysis reveals the importance of genetic variations in sensitivity of platinum-based chemotherapy in non-small-cell lung cancer. Mol Carcinog, 2013 Dec; 52(12): 923-931.

6. Wu J, Xiao H, Sun H, Zou L, Zhu LQ*. Role of Dopamine Receptors in ADHD: A systematic meta-analysis. Mol Neurobiol, 2012, 45(3): 605-620.

7. Lou J, Xu S, Zou L, Zhong R, Zhang T, Sun Y, Lu X, Liu L, Li C, Wang L, Xiong G, Wang W, Gong F, Wu J*. A functional polymorphism, rs28493229, in ITPKC and risk of Kawasaki disease: an integrated meta-analysis. Mol Biol Rep, 2012, 39(12): 11137-11144.

8. Liu L, Wu J, Wu C, Wang Y, Zhong R, Zhang X, Tan W, Nie S, Miao X*, Lin D*. A functional polymorphism (-1607 1G→2G) in the matrix metalloproteinase-1 promoter is associated with development and progression of lung cancer. Cancer, 2011, 117(22): 5172-5181. (Co-first author)

9. Huang S, Hu X, Chen H, Xie D, Gan X, Wu Y, Nie S*, Wu J*. The positive effect of an intervention program on the hypertension knowledge and lifestyles of rural residents over the age of 35 years in an area of China. Hypertens Res, 2011, 34(4): 503-508.

10. Li J, Sun C, Yuan Y, Liu L, Xiong G, Wu J*. Bone morphogenetic protein-4 polymorphism and colorectal cancer risk: a meta analysis. Mol Biol Rep, 2012, 39(5): 5239-5251.

11. Chen G, Quan S, Hu Q, Wang L, Xia X*, Wu J*. Lack of association between MDR1 C3435T polymorphism and chemotherapy response in advanced breast cancer patients: evidence from current studies. Mol Biol Rep, 2012, 39(5): 5161-5168.

12. Wang W, Fan Y, Xiong G, Wu J*. Nitrate in drinking water and bladder cancer: A meta-analysis. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci, 2012, 32(6): 912-918.

ii- Publications in refereed journals (in Chinese)

1. Bao Zhenyang, Tan Yu, Xiong Guanglian, Wu Jing*. Prediction Analysis of Medical Expenses and Study on the Management Countermeasures of Medical Insurance Fund in Shenzhen City. Chinese Journal of Social Medicine, 2013, 30(5): 350-352.

2. Liu Qi, Zhang Qi, Huang Xiang, Tian Lili, Cheng Zixiu, Cai Lianlian, Wu Jing*. Study on temperament-based structural equation model for behavioral problems of preschool children. Maternal & Child Health Care of China, 2013, 28(3): 436-438.

3. Wu Jing, Xiong Guanglian. Study on ecological intervention mode of formation of sexual health behavior in adolescents. Maternal & Child Health Care of China, 2010, 25(18): 2465-2467.

4. Wu Jing, Xiong Guanglian. Structural equation model for analysis on influence factors of sexual health behavior formation in adolescents. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2010, 26(4) suppl: 19-20.

5. Wu Jing, Xiong Guanglian, Shi Shuhua. Study on sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of adolescents. Chinese Journal of Child Health Care, 2007, 15(2): 120-121, 124.

6. Xiong Guanglian, Wu Jing, Shen Qiuying, Mo Shaoxiong, Yang Daowei, Zhang Qiuyun, Zhang Pian. Survey on the epidemic characteristics of suicidal tendency among middle-school students in cities. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2007, 28(2): 127-130.

7. Wu Jing, Xiong Guanglian, Du Lili, Shi Shuhua. Application of concordance analysis in establishment of monitoring indexes of youth sexual behaviors. Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science, 2006, 15(8): 754-756.

8. Wu Jing, Xiong Guanglian, Shi Shuhua. Theory patterns of synthetical intervention based on social cognitive theory in adolescents’ sexual health behavior. Chinese Journal of Social Medicine, 2006, 23(4): 198-201.

9. Shi Shuhua, Wu Jing, Zhang Jianduan, Peng Anna, Huang Xiaona, Liu Guoyan, Hu Meina. Survey on the social adaptive behavior of pre-school children in Wuhan. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2006, 22(8): 924-925.
10. Wu Jing, Zhou aiqin, Shi Shuhua. The correlation between parenting locus of control and self-awareness in school-age children. Maternal & Child Health Care of China, 2004, 19(5): 87-89.

iii- Books

1. Associate Editor. International comparison of medical treatment insurance. Science Press, Beijing, China, July 2015 (ISBN 9787030452573).

2. Associate Editor. Child physical and mental development and the potential development of emotional and intelligence quotient. Wuhan Press, Wuhan, China, Dec 2006 (ISBN 7-5430-3573-1).

3. Co-Editor. Introduction of Standardization of China medical insurance system. Hubei Science and Technology Press, Wuhan, China, Dec 2008 (ISBN 978-7-5352-4247-1).


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