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来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • 中文简历English resume

  • 姓名:龚静


  • 职务:博士,副教授,硕士生导师

  • 院系:流行病与卫生统计学系

  • 地址:湖北省武汉市航空路13号 430030

  • 电话:

  • 邮箱:gongj@hust.edu.cn


2008年获得华中科技大学预防医学学士学位;2013年获得华中科技大学生物信息学博士学位;同年7月就职于华中科技大学公共卫生学院,2016年获华中科技大学“华中学者”称号。2016年4月-2018年4月在University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston进行博士后研究。现为华中科技大学公共卫生学院副教授。

主要致力于生物大数据的整合分析和肿瘤相关的分子流行病学研究。主持国家自然科学青年基金、中国博士后基金等课题。以第一作者或通讯作者在Annals of oncologyNucleic Acids Research3篇)、Cell ReportsCarcinogenesisEuropean journal of cancer等杂志上发表SCI 文章20篇,累计影响因子超过100分,其中2篇论文被评为ESI高被引论文,1篇引用次数达238次。



  • 肿瘤相关的分子遗传学研究。主要通过生物信息学、分子流行病学、分子生物学等技术 鉴定及验证癌症相关的易感基因。

  • 生物大数据的整合分析及挖掘。高通量测序数据(DNA测序,RNA测序,甲基化测序等)分析及 TCGA、ENCODE、GTEx 等大型数据库资源的二次利用。

  • 长非编码RNA (ncRNA) 和遗传变异 (SNP) 相关的生物信息学分析及数据库构建。



  1. 结直肠癌易感区域中转录因子和miRNA结合位点调控型遗传变异的识别与验证,国家自然科学基金青年项目,编号81402744,2015/01-2017/12,项目负责人

  2. 结直肠癌易感区域中lncRNA相关遗传变异的识别与验证,自主创新基金,2015/03-2016/12,项目负责人

  3. 肝癌易感区域调控型遗传变异识别与验证,中国博士后科学基金(面上项目),编号2014M552049,项目负责人

  4. 长链非编码RNA相关SNP与结直肠癌发病风险的关联研究,中国博士后科学基金(特别资助),编号2015T80806,项目负责人



  1. Gong, J.,Tian, J., Li, J., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhong, R., Chang, J., Miao, X. (2018) A polymorphic MYC response element in KBTBD11 influences colorectal cancer risk, especially in interaction with a MYC regulated SNP rs6983267. Annals of oncology. 29(3), 632-639. (IF: 11.8)

  2. Gong, J., Li, Y., Liu, C.J., Xiang, Y., Li, C., Ye, Y., Zhang, Z., Hawke, D.H., Park, P.K., Diao, L., Putkey, J.A., Yang, L., Guo, A.Y., Lin, C. and Han, L. (2017) A Pan-cancer Analysis of the Expression and Clinical Relevance of Small Nucleolar RNAs in Human Cancer. Cell reports, 21, 1968-1981. (IF: 8.3, 2017.11.14 Volume 21, Issue 7, 封面文章)

  3. Gong, J., Mei, S., Liu, C., Xiang, Y., Ye, Y., Zhang, Z., Feng, J., Liu, R., Diao, L., Guo, A.Y., Miao, X., and Han, L. (2018) PancanQTL: systematic identification of cis-eQTLs and trans-eQTLs in 33 cancer types, Nucleic Acids Research. 46, D971-D976. (IF:10.2)

  4. Gong, J., Liu, C., Liu, W., Xiang, Y., Diao, L., Guo, A.Y. and Han, L. (2017) LNCediting: a database for functional effects of RNA editing in lncRNAs. Nucleic acids research, 45, D79-D84. (IF:10.2)

  5. Gong, J., Liu, W., Zhang, J., Miao, X. and Guo, A.Y. (2015) lncRNASNP: a database of SNPs in lncRNAs and their potential functions in human and mouse. Nucleic acids research, 43, D181-186. (IF:10.2, 引用70次,ESI高被引论文)

  6. Gong, J., Tong, Y., Zhang, H.M., Wang, K., Hu, T., Shan, G., Sun, J. and Guo, A.Y. (2012) Genome-wide identification of SNPs in microRNA genes and the SNP effects on microRNA target binding and biogenesis. Human mutation, 33, 254-263. (IF:4.6, 引用255)

  7. Zou, D., Lou, J., Ke, J., Mei, S., Li, J., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhong, R., Chang, J.,Gong, J.,* and Miao, X.* (2018) Integrative eQTL-based analysis of colorectal cancer identified a functional polymorphism regulating SLC22A5 expression. European journal of cancer. 93, 1-9. (IF:6.0)

  8. Ke, J., Tian, J., Li, J., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhong, R., Chang, J. and Gong, J*. (2017) Identification of a functional polymorphism affecting microRNA binding in the susceptibility locus 1q25.3 for colorectal cancer. Molecular carcinogenesis, 56, 2014-2021. (IF:4.2)

  9. Gong, J., Tian, J., Lou, J., Ke, J., Li, L., Li, J., Yang, Y., Gong, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhong, R., Chang, J. and Miao, X. (2016) A functional polymorphism in lnc-LAMC2-1:1 confers risk of colorectal cancer by affecting miRNA binding. Carcinogenesis, 37, 443-451. (IF:5.1, ESI高被引论文)

  10. Ke, J., Lou, J., Zhong, R., Chen, X., Li, J., Liu, C., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y., Chang, J. and Gong, J.* (2016) Identification of a Potential Regulatory Variant for Colorectal Cancer Risk Mapping to 3p21.31 in Chinese Population. Scientific reports, 6, 25194. (IF:4.3)

  11. Ke, J., Lou, J., Chen, X., Li, J., Liu, C., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y., Tian, J., Chang, J., Zhong, R., Gong, J.* and Miao, X.* (2016) Identification of a functional variant for colorectal cancer risk mapping to chromosome 5q31.1. Oncotarget, 7, 35199-35207. (IF:5.2)

  12. Ke, J., Lou, J., Chen, X., Li, J., Liu, C., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y. and Gong, J.* (2015) Identification of a Potential Regulatory Variant for Colorectal Cancer Risk Mapping to Chromosome 5q31.1: A Post-GWAS Study. PloS one, 10, e0138478. (IF:2.8)

  13. Gong, J., Liu, C., Liu, W., Wu, Y., Ma, Z., Chen, H. and Guo, A.Y. (2015) An update of miRNASNP database for better SNP selection by GWAS data, miRNA expression and online tools. Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, 2015, bav029. (IF:3.3)

  14. Xia, X., Chen, W., Li, J., Chen, X., Rui, R., Liu, C., Sun, Y., Liu, L., Gong, J.* and Yuan, P*. (2014) Body mass index and risk of breast cancer: a nonlinear dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. Scientific reports, 4, 7480. (IF:4.3)

  15. Gong, J., Wu, Y., Zhang, X., Liao, Y., Sibanda, V.L., Liu, W. and Guo, A.Y. (2014) Comprehensive analysis of human small RNA sequencing data provides insights into expression profiles and miRNA editing. RNA biology, 11, 1375-1385. (IF:3.9)

  16. Gong, J., Shen, N., Zhang, H.M., Zhong, R., Chen, W., Miao, X., and Guo, A.Y. (2014). A genetic variant in microRNA target site of TGF-beta signaling pathway increases the risk of colorectal cancer in a Chinese population. Tumour biology, 35, 4301-4306. (IF:3.7)

  17. Hong, Y., Chen, X.Q., Li, J.Y., Liu, C., Shen, N., Zhu, B.B., Gong, J.,* and Chen, W.* (2014). Current evidence on the association between rs3757318 of C6orf97 and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 15, 8051-8055.

  18. Liu, D., Gong, J.#, Dai, W., Kang, X., Huang, Z., Zhang, H.M., Liu, W., Liu, L., Ma, J., Xia, Z., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, D., Ni, P., Guo, A.Y. and Xiong, X. (2012) The genome of Ganoderma lucidum provides insights into triterpenes biosynthesis and wood degradation. PloS one, 7, e36146. (IF:2.8)

  19. 龚静, 柳纯洁, 缪小平, 郭安源. 人类长链非编码RNA 相关SNP 鉴定与功能预测的研究进展[J].生物技术通报,2015,11:1-8.


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