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Song Ranran Ph.D

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume   English resume

  • Song Ranran Ph.D


  • Present position:Professor

  • Faculty:

  • Address: Department of Child and Woman Health Care, School of Public Health,Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan, Hubei, 430030 China

  • Telephone:

  • Email: songranran@hust.edu.cn


Dr. Ranran Song is tenured Professor of Department of Child and Woman Health Care, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). She graduated with a major in Preventive Medicine in 2001 and received her PhD in 2006 from Tongji Medical College. Song’s research is mainly focused on the early diagnosis and corresponding mechanisms of child neurodevelopmental disorders including dyslexia and autism. She is leading a ongoing project “Tongji Reading Environment And Dyslexia Study, READ”, which she investigates how the home literacy environment and genetic factors work on the dyslexic children in China.





Undergraduate   Student

Tongji   Medical College

Huazhong   University of Science and technology



Postgraduate   Student for Ph.D Degree

Tongji   Medical College

Huazhong   University of Science and Technology

Work Experience



Assistant Professor

Department of Child and   Woman Health Care

School of Public Health

Tongji   Medical College

Huazhong   University of Science and Technology


Visiting Scholar

Division of Addiction, Department   of Psychiatry

Yale School of Medicine

New Haven, CT, USA

2011/11- present

Professor, Associate   Professor

Department of Child and   Woman Health Care

School of Public Health

Tongji   Medical College

Huazhong   University of Science and Technology



Travel Award

NIDA (National Institute   on Drug Abuse, USA)

International Forum, CA,USA

Studies and Research Funding


  1. The gene polymorphisms among Chinese dyslexic children modulate a molecular network involved in neuronal migration, National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC 81273092) Role: PI

  2. The correlation between substances changes of language-implicated acupoints and brain activation among Chinese children with dyslexia, National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC 30600501) Role: PI

  3. Behavioral Drug and HIV Risk Reduction Counseling with MMT in China, NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse, USA) R01 DA026797 Role: collaborator



Selected Publications

  1. Jia Wang, Jianhua Gong, Li Li, Yanlin Chen, Lingfei Liu, HuaiTing Gu, Xiu Luo, Fang Hou, Jiajia Zhang and Ranran Song*, Neurexin gene family variants as risk factors for autism spectrum disorder, Autism Research, 2018, 11(1):37-43

  2. Shanshan Shao, Rui Kong, Li Zou, Rong Zhong, Jiao Lou, Jie Zhou, Shengnan Guo, Jia Wang, Xiaohui Zhang, Jiajia Zhang, and Ranran Song*, The Roles of Genes in the Neuronal Migration and Neurite Outgrowth Network in Developmental Dyslexia: Single- and Multiple Risk-Genetic Variants, Mol Neurobiol, 2016, 53(6):3967-3975

  3. Rui Kong, Shanshan Shao, Jia Wang, Xiaohui Zhang, Shengna Guon, Li Zou, Rong Zhong, Jiao Lou, Jie Zhou, Jiajia Zhang, and Ranan Song*, Genetic variant in DIP2A gene is associated with developmental dyslexia in Chinese population, Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 2016, 171(2): 203-208

  4. Lingfei Liu, Jia Wang, Shanshan Shao, Xiu Luo, Rui Kong, Xiaohui Zhang, Ranran Song*, Descriptive Epidemiology of Prenatal and Perinatal Risk Factors in a Chinese Population with Reading Disorder; Sci Rep, 6, 36697; doi: 10.1038/srep36697, 2016 Nov 7

  5. Zhen He, Shanshan Shao, Jie Zhou, Juntao Ke, Rui Kong, Shengnan Guo, Jiajia Zhang, and Ranran Song*. Does long time spending on the electronic devices affect the reading abilities? A cross-sectional study among Chinese school-aged children. Res Dev Disabil, 2014, 35(12): 3645-3654

  6. Shanshan Shao, Sanqing Xu, Jun Yang, Ti Zhang, Zhen He, Zhao Sun, and Ranran Song*, A commonly carried genetic variant, rs9616915, in SHANK3 gene is associated with a reduced risk of autism spectrum disorder: replication in a Chinese population. Mol Biol Rep, 2014, 41(3), 1591-1595

  7. Ranran Song*, Jiajia Zhang, Bo Wang, Hui Zhang, and Hanrong Wu, A near-infrared brain function study of Chinese dyslexic children, Neurocase, 2013,19(4),382-389

  8. Li Zou, Wei Chen, Shanshan Shao, Zhao Sun, Rong Zhong, Junxin Shi, Xiaoping Miao, and Ranran Song*, Genetic variant in KIAA0319, but not in DYX1C1, is associated with risk of dyslexia: an integrated meta-analysis, Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 2012, 159B(8), 970-976



Ranran Song. Is Home Literacy Environment associated with dyslexia? A Large scale of Descriptive Epidemiology Study in China. Oral presentation, The Reading, Literacy and Learning Conference, 2017, 11 Atlanta, USA

Song Ranran. Training. MMT counselors in provision of behaviorally oriented drug counseling in China, oral presentation, The College on Problems of Drug Dependence, 2012.6 California, USA



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