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Zuxun Lu

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume    English resume

  • Zuxun Lu

  • Present position:

  • Faculty: Department of Social Medicine and Health Management School of Public Health

  • Address:

  • Telephone:

  • Email: zuxunlu@yahoo.com


M.D., 1983, Tongji Medical University, China

M.P.H., 1986, Tongji Medical University, China

Ph.D., 2013, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Other Affiliations

Professor of General Practice

Director of Department of Social Medicine and Health Management

Director of Center for General Practice Training of Hubei Province

Editor in chief of “Chinese Journal of Social Medicine”

Editor in chief of the Books and Textbooks

1. International Community Health Service Systems

2. Community Health Service in China

3. Social Medicine

4. Social Medical Health Insurance


Professor Lu’s major research interests include:

1. Community Health Service Assessment

2. General Practice Education

3. Evidence-based Medicine and Evidence-based Health Policy

4. Medical Care Organization and Management

Professor Lu’s research has focused community health service. He is the Principal Investigator of four research projects of National Nature Foundation of Science and ten research projects from Ministry of Health. As sole investigator speaker, He reported his team’s research findings three times on national annual conference of community health service sponsored by Ministry of Health. His research has demonstrated that salient of antibiotic overprescribing in Chinese health institutions, which is important reference on which China Ministry of Health issued the regulation on the antibiotic prescribing. He often attended to draft out national documents on community health service and health system reform.

Professor Lu has also deep investigation in the fields of general practice education, evidence-based medicine, social factors and health, health service research collaborating with researchers from UK and USA.

Publications (selected)

1. Zuxun Lu, Shiyi Cao, Yun Chai, Yuan Liang, Max Bachmann, Marc Suhrcke, Fujian Song. Effectiveness of interventions for hypertension care in the community – a meta-analysis of controlled studies in China[J]. BMC Health Services Research 2012;12:216

2. Yongbin Li, Jing Xu, Fang Wang, Bin Wang, Liqun Liu, Wanli Hou, Hong Fan, Yeqing Tong, Juan Zhang, Zuxun Lu. Overprescribing In China, Driven By Financial Incentives, Results In Very High Use Of Antibiotics, Injections, And Corticosteroids[J]. Health Affairs 2012;5:1075-1082.

3. Xiaoxu Yin, Xiaochen Tu, Yeqing Tong, Rui Yang, Yunxia Wang, Shiyi Cao, Hong Fan, Feng Wang, Yanhong Gong, Ping Yin, Zuxun Lu. Development and Validation of a Tuberculosis Medication Adherence Scale[J].PLOS ONE7(12): e50328. 2012.

4.Juan Zhang, Jun Xie, Wanli Hou, Xiaochen Tu, JingXu, Fujian Song, Zhihong Wang, Zuxun Lu. Mapping the Knowledge Structure of Research on Patient Adherence: Knowledge Domain Visualization Based Co-Word Analysis and Social Network Analysis [J].PLoS ONE 7(4): e34497.2012.

5.Shiyi Cao,Feng Wang,Wilson Tam,Lap Ah Tse,Jean Hee Kim,Junan Liu and Zuxun Lu. A hybrid seasonal prediction model for tuberculosis incidence in China[J]. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2013, 13:56.

6.X. Xu, J-H. Liu, S-Y. Cao, Y. Zhao, X-X. Dong, Y. Liang, Z-X. Lu. Delays in care seeking, diagnosis and treatment among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Shenzhen, China[J]. INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 17(5):615–620,2013.

7. Xiaoxv Yin, Fujian Song, Yanhong Gong, Xiaochen Tu, Yunxia Wang, Shiyi Cao, Junan Liu and Zuxun Lu. A systematic review of antibiotic utilization in China[J]. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, (2013) 68 (11): 2445-2452. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkt223

8. Shiyi Cao, Ling Liu, Xiaoxu Yin, Yunxia Wang,Junan Liu, and Zuxun Lu,Coffee consumption and risk of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies,Carcinogenesis vol.35 no.2 pp.256–261, 2014 doi:10.1093/carcin/bgt482

9. Cong YJ, Gan Y, Sun HL, Deng J, Cao SY, Xu ), Lu ZX. Association of sedentary behaviour with colon and rectal cancer: a meta-analysis of observational studies. Br J Cancer. 2014 Feb 4;110(3):817-26. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2013.709.

10. Huajie Yang , JuanZhang , JunXie , Chen Yang , Xiaoxin Dong , Yanhong Gong , Shiyi Cao , XiaoxvYin, ZhihongWang, Zuxun Lu, Factors influencing pre-hospital delay among acute ischemic stroke patients in the midlands of China. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Jan 22. pii: S0167-5273(14)00256-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.01.047.

11. Xiaoxin Dong, Ling Liu, Shiyi Cao, Huajie Yang, Fujian Song, Chen Yang, Yanhong Gong, Yunxia Wang,Xiaoxu Yin, Xing Xu, Jun Xie, Yi Sun and Zuxun Lu, Focus on vulnerable populations and promoting equity in health service utilization ––an analysis of visitor characteristics and service utilization of the Chinese community health service,BMC Public Health 2014, 14:503

12. Shiyi Cao, Yong Gan, Xiaoxin Dong, Junan Liu, and Zuxun Lu, Association of Quantity and Duration of Smoking with Erectile Dysfunction: A Dose–Response Meta-Analysis,J Sex Med 2014;11:2376–2384

13. Yong Gan, Chen Yang,Xinyue Tong, Huilian Sun, Yingjie Cong, Xiaoxu Yin, Liqing Li,Shiyi Cao,Xiaoxin Dong,Yanhong Gong, Oumin Shi, Jian Deng,Huashan Bi, Zuxun Lu, Shift work and diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of observational studies,Occup Environ Med 2014;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/oemed-2014-102150

14. Gong Y, Han T, Yin X, Yang G, Zhuang R, Chen Y, Lu Z, Prevalence of depressive symptoms and work-related risk factors among nurses in public hospitals in southern China: A cross-sectional study.Sci Rep. 2014 Nov 27;4:7109. doi: 10.1038/srep07109.


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