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Yuan Liang

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume    English resume

  • Yuan Liang


  • Present position: Associate Professor PhD

  • Faculty: Department of Social Medicine and Health Management, Public Health School, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.

  • Address: Hangkong Road 13, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, Postcode: 430030

  • Telephone: (86)-27-83692396; Fax: (86)-27-83653673; 13018070053

  • Email: liangyuan217@163.com; liangyuan217@hust.edu.cn



Academic Qualification

1. 2004-2007: Ph.D., Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2. 2000-2003: M.Sc., Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

3. 1992-1997: B.Sc., Tongji Medical University



1. Organizational Behavior and Health

2. Social Determinants of Health



1. 2000-present: Department of Social Medicine and Health Management, Public Health School, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.

2. 1997-2000: Department of Advanced Medical Education, Tongji Medical University.


PREVIOUS RESEARCH ACTIVITIES (Yuan Liang as Principal Investigator)


1. The prevalence and severity of tobacco dependence in China, National Major Research Program National Major Research Program of China, 2017-2020.

2. Study on the Restrictive Factors of the Development of Rural Basic Health Institutions, Health and Family Planning Commission of Hubei province, 2017-2018.

3. Management mechanism of patient-centered care based on the internal participating behavior of health service organization, grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China, NSFC, 2013-2016.

4. Effects of organizational behavior of grassroots on severe suicidal ideation: a preliminary intervention study in rural China; grants from the China Medical Board, CMB. A door-to-door survey was administered to 3,821 rural residents aged 15 and older in 22 villages in Tuanfeng, China, and Ph.D. Michael R. Phillips, the executive director of Suicide Research and Training Center of World Health Organization (China), provided my group with significant research experience and expertise, including population survey, panel discussion, research ethics and group intervention and so on (2006-2010).

5. Management system and operation mechanism of integration of health services in Wuhan city circle, grant from Health Bureau in Hubei Province, China (2011-2012).

6. Health literacy rapid assessment index and implementation of the Internet, grant from Center of Health Education and Health Promotion of Shenzhen City, Shenzhen, China (2012-2014).

7. Dual perspective and three dimensions propulsion mechanism of health records, grant from research funding of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2011-2012)

8. The role of GP: a pilot study from Wuhan, China, grant from research funding of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. (2012-2013)


  1. Yuan Liang, Yan-Hong Gong, Xiao-Piao Wen, Chao-Ping Guan, Ming-Chuan Li, Ping Yin, Zhi-Qing Wang, Social determinants of health and depression: a preliminary investigation from rural China, PLoS One 2012, 7(1): e30553.

  2. Yuan Liang, Zuxun Lu, Naixing Zhang, Lin Shen, Evaluation of multi-dimensional outcomes of chronic diseases:A clinical example from China, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 52 (2011) e106-e109.

  3. Hongjing Wang, Yuan Liang (H. W. and Y. L. contributed equally to this work), Yanhua Li, Yingsheng Cheng and Ping Yin, Health-related behaviours and family support and clinical symptoms of BPH: a pilot study from China, International Journal of Urological 2013; 7(1): 9-16.

  4. Yanhong Gong, Ling Zhang, Zhiqing Wang, Yuan Liang(Corresponding author), Pathway analysis of risk factors for severe suicidal ideation: a survey in rural China, Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2011; 102(6):472-475.

  5. Yanhong Gong, Xiaopiao Wen, Chaoping Guan, Zhiqing Wang and Yuan Liang(Corresponding author), The associations between family characteristics and depressive symptoms in older adults: a community-based survey in rural China, International Psychogeriatrics, 2012, 24:8, 1226-1234.

  6. Xiaopiao Wen, Yuan Liang(Corresponding author), Jiang Zhu, Tangchun Wu, The effects of housework on the health of retired older adults: a preliminary investigation from the Tongji-Dongfeng Cohort Study, China, PLoS One, 2013; 8(3): e57232.

  7. Yanhong Gong, Jincong Yu, Xiaochang Zhang and Yuan Liang(Corresponding author), Occupational safety and health status of sanitation workers in urban areas: a pilot study from Wuhan, China, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2013; 19(3):435-442.

  8. Jifang Dai, Lianyi Zhao and Yuan Liang(Corresponding author), Policy implementation of methadone maintenance treatment and HIV infection: Evidence from Hubei province, China, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy; 2013, 8:38.

  9. Yan Qiao, NanWang, Rubin Chen, Yuan Liang(Corresponding author)Societal and individual determinants of patients’ radiation safety behavior: a preliminary investigation from China, Journal of the American College of Radiology, 2014; 11(5):521-526.

  10. Yaohua Tian, Lijun Shen Jing Wu, Weihong Chen, Jing Yuan, Handong Yang, Youjie Wang, Yuan Liang(Corresponding author), Tangchun Wu, Parity and the risk of diabetes mellitus among Chinese women: a cross-sectional evidence from the Tongji-Dongfeng Cohort Study, PLoS One 2014; 9(8): e104810. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0104810

  11. Chaoping Guan, Xiaopiao Wen, Yanhong Gong, Yuan Liang(Corresponding author)and Zhiqing Wang, Family environment and depression: a population-based analysis, of gender differences in rural China, Journal of Family Issues, 2014; 35(4):481-500.

  12. Jing Liang; Peipei Zhang; Xi Zhu; Yan Qiao; Lianyi Zhao; Quanyan He; Liuyi Zhang; Yuan Liang(Corresponding author) Effect of intergenerational and intragenerational support on perceived health of older adults: a population-based analysis in rural China; Family Practice, 2014;31(2):164-171.

  13. Peipei Zhang, Jing Liang, Yan Qiao, Lianyi Zhao, Quanyan He, Liuyi Zhang, Fang Wang, Yuan Liang(Corresponding author) Societal determination of usefulness and utilization wishes of community health services: a population-based survey in Wuhan City, China. Health Policy and Planning; 2015;30: 1243-1250.

  14. Fang Wang, Yuan Liang (Corresponding author). China's rural cooperative medical scheme: a type of health insurance or a type of health co-operative? Primary Health Care Research & Development. 2017, 18(2):194-199.

  15. Liuyi Zhang, Fang Wang, Yao Cheng, Ping Zhang, Yuan Liang Yuan Liang(Corresponding author). Work characteristics and psychological symptoms among GPs and community nurses: a preliminary investigation in China, International Journal for Quality in Health Care; 2016, 28(6), 709-714.

  16. Fang Wang, Liuyi Zhang, Yao Cheng, Ping Zhang, Yuan Liang(Corresponding author)How does residents’ experiences with community health service affect their utilization wishes? A population-based survey in China, European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare.2016;4(2): 323-329.

  17. Ling Zhang, Chengbing Xue, Youjie Wang, Liuyi Zhang, Yuan Liang(Corresponding author).Family characteristics and the use of maternal health services: a population-based survey in Eastern China Asia Pac Fam Med (2016) 15:5.

  18. Yao Cheng, Liuyi Zhang, Fang Wang, Ping Zhang, Beizhu Ye, Yuan Liang(Corresponding author)The Effects of Family Structure and Function on Mental Health during China's Transition: A Cross-sectional Analysis. BMC family practice. 2017; 18(1):59.

  19. Zhang P, Wang F, Cheng Y, Zhang LY, Ye BZ, Jiang HW, Sun Y, Zhu X, Yuan L(Corresponding author). Impact of organizational and individual factors on patient-provider relationships: A national survey of doctors, nurses and patients in China. PLoS One. 2017;12(7):e0181396.

  20. Ping Zhang, Yuan Liang(Corresponding author), China's National Health Guiding Principles: a Perspective Worthy of Health Care Reform, Primary Health Care Research & Development 2018;19(1):99-104.

  21. Fang Wang, Liuyi Zhang, Ping Zhang, Yao Cheng, Beizhu Ye, Meian He, Huan Guo, Xiaomin Zhang, Jing Yuan, Weihong Chen, Youjie Wang, Sheng Wei, Ping Yao, Yuan Liang(Corresponding author). The effect of physical activity on hospital service use and expenditures of coronary heart disease: results from Dongfeng-Tongji Cohort Study in China. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Medical Sciences.2017(accepted)



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