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Surong Mei

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume    English resume

  • Surong Mei

  • Present position: vice direction of Research Center for Environment and Health

  • Faculty: Institute of Environmental Medicine and Ministry of Education Key Lab for Environment and Health

  • Address: Hangkong Road No. 13, 430030, Wuhan, China

  • Telephone: +86-27-83657849

  • Email: surongmei@hust.edu.cn

Dr. Surong Mei is Professor of Environmental Medicine of School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), and Excellent Young Investigator of Hubei Province and the New Century Excellent Talents in University. She graduated with a major in Analytical Chemistry in 1998 and received her PhD in 2002 from Wuhan University. Dr. Mei’s research is mainly focused on exposure assessment of environmental pollutants and their effects on human health. She has published over 50 original papers (over 30 of them published in SCI-collected journals including Environmental International, Biosensor and Bioelectronics, Analytical Chimica Acta, Electrochimica Acta, Anaytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, Talanta, Journal of Separation Science). Dr. Mei has served as vice director of the Medical Association for health inspection of Hubei province and the editorial board of Journal of Sensing Technology.


1991/09-1995/07   Bachelor’s Degree of Environmental Monitoring

Department of Environment
Sichuan University

1995/09-1998/07   Master’s Degree of analytical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Wuhan University

1998/09-2002/06   Doctoral Degree of analytical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Wuhan University, China


Chinese, English

Work Experience

2001/08-2004/10   Lectuer

School of Environmental Science and Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2004/11-2005/09   Associate professor
School of Environmental Science and Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

10/2005-10/2010   Associate professor
Institute of Environmental Medicine
School of Public Health,Tongji Medical College
Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

2008/11-2009/05   Post-doctoral fellowship supported by the Sino-German Scholarship
Institute of Clinical Chemistry
University of Munich, Germany

2010/04-2010/11   Visiting researcher supported by Korea Research Fund
Department of Chemistry
Changwon National University

2010/11- present    Full professor
Institute of Environmental Medicine
School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2013/09-2014/03   Senior visiting Scholar supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC)
Department of entomology
University of California Davis

Present and Previous Research Funding

1. Study on the transfer characteristics of organophosphate esters flame retardant from mother to infant and its adverse effects on the neurodevelopment of offspring,the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016-2019

2. Study on the pollution characteristics of fine particles and the early warning index system of human health risk in typical areas, the special fund of the ministry of environmental protection,2014-2016

3. Study on development of a novel and rapid determination technology for trace PFCs in foodstuff samples based on multi-functional molecular recognition composites, the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education,2013-2015

4. Study on the the key technology for primary prevention and early warning of the birth defect and its application, the Project of National Science & Technology Pillar Plan, 2013-2015

5. Study on development of a novel and rapid determination technology for trace PFCs in foodstuff samples based on multi-functional molecular recognition composites, the Project of Science & Technology of Wuhan City,2013-2014

6. High-throughput analysis of biological sample based on the multifunctional nano-composites, the Research Fund of the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, 2012-2014

7. Study on treatment technique of coking wastewater by iron and steel joint enterprise, the Project of National Science & Technology Pillar Plan, 2012-2014

8. Study on application of quaternary ammonium salt polymer for WISCO wastewater reuse, Supported by Wuhan Iron and steel Corporation Group, 2010-2011

9. Study on the sensitive mechanism and methodology of surface enhanced three-dimensional microelectrode, the National Basic Research Grant of China, 2009-2013

10. The high-throughput analysis system for large environmental and biological samples, the Excellent Young Investigator of Hubei Province, 2009-2011

11. Determination of trace veterinary drug residue in foodstuff samples by on-line SPE technology based on molecular imprinting polymers, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2008-2010

12. Determination of environmental trace organic pollutants by capillary electrophoresis with molecular imprinting solid-phase extraction, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2005-2007

13. Multi-DNA adducts detection system based on nucleotide MIPs, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2005-2007
14. Development a new technology based on molecular imprinting solid-phase extraction on-line with capillary electrophoresis, Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, 2003-2004

Career goals

1.High-throughput analysis method for complex samples based on multi-functional nanocomposites.

2. Recognition of environmental pollutants and their health risk assessment.


1. Surong Mei, Tao Jing, Yikai Zhou, Qing Dai, Qiaoling Hao. Preparation of lysozyme molecularly imprinted nanoparticles with high magnetic responsiveness and adsorption capacity,Patent No: 201010111232.6, China, 2010

2. Surong Mei, Yusun Zhou, Tao Jing, Tingting Zhou, Yun Tao, Yikai Zhou. Preparation of a magnetic nanocomposite for selective recognition of perfluorinated compounds,Patent No: 201410639721.7, China, 2014

Peer-reviewed representative publications (*: the corresponding author)

1. Dan Luo, Yabing Pu, Haoyuan Tian, Juan Cheng, Tingting Zhou, Yun Tao, Jing Yuan, Xin Sun*, Surong Mei*,Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides in umbilical cord blood from Huaihe River Basin of China and related lifestyle and dietary intake factors,Environmental International, 2016, DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2016.04.017, accepted

2. Tingting Zhou, Yaqian Feng, Linxi Zhou, Yun Tao, Tao Jing, Dan Luo, Xiaoli Shen, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*, Selective and sensitive detection of tetrabromobisphenol-A in water samples by molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2016, accepted

3. Tingting Zhou, Yun Tao, Hua Jin, Bin Song, Tao Jing, Dan Luo, Yusun Zhou, Yikai Zhou, Yong-Ill Lee, Surong Mei*, Fabrication of a Selective and Sensitive Sensor Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer/Acetylene Black for the Determination of Azithromycin in Pharmaceuticals and Biological Samples, Plos One, 2016,DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0147002

4. Yusun Zhou,Tingting Zhou,Hua Jin,Tao Jing,Bin Song,Yikai Zhou,Surong Mei*,Yong-Ill Lee,Rapid and selective extraction of multiple macrolide antibiotics in foodstuff samples based on magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers,Talanta,2015,137:1-10

5. Tingting Zhou, Yun Tao, Yabing Pu, Rosa Morello, Surong Mei*, Karl- Siegfried Boos,Rapid determination of X-ray contrast agent iomeprol in humanplasma by on-line solid-phase extraction coupled with phase- optimized liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography B, 2015,992:14–22

6. Bingbing Li, Yusun Zhou, Wei Wu, Min Liu, Surong Mei, Yikai Zhou, Tao Jing*, Highly selective and sensitive determination of dopamine by the novel molecularly imprinted poly(nicotinamide)/CuO nanoparticles modified electrode, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015, 67: 121-128

7. Jiuqian Lei, Tao Jing*, Tingting Zhou, Yusun Zhou, Wei Wu, Surong Mei, Yikai Zhou, A simple and sensitive immunoassay for the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin by graphene-based chemiluminescence resonance energy transfer, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2014, 54: 72-77

8. Bin Song,Yusun Zhou,Hua Jin,Tao Jing*,Tingting Zhou,Qiaoling Hao,Yikai Zhou,Surong Mei*,Yong-Ill Lee,Selective and sensitive determination of erythromycin in honey and dairy products by molecularly imprinted polymers based electrochemical sensor,Microchemical Journal,2014,116:183-190

9. Tao Jing,Yusun Zhou,Wei Wu,Min Liu,Yikai Zhou,Surong Mei*,Molecularly imprinted spin column extraction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography for the selective and simple determination of trace nitrophenols in water samples,Journal of Separation Science,2014,37:2940-2946

10. Tao Jing, Jian Wang, Min Liu, Yusun Zhou, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*. Highly effective removal of 2, 4-dinitrophenolic from surface water and wastewater samples using hydrophilic molecularly Imprinted polymers, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 2014,21(2): 1153-1162

11. Bin Song, Yusun Zhou, Tao Jing, Tingting Zhou, Min Liu, Qiaoling Hao, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*, Application of highly sensitive and specific erythromycin-imprinted sensor for determination of erythromycin in blood samples, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Medical Edition) (in Chinese), 2014, 42(3):249-253

12. Jiuqian Lei, Surong Mei, Yikai Zhou, Tao Jing*, A Simple, Selective and Sensitive Immunoassay for Determination of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Based on Chemiluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer, Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2014, 61(6): 638-642

13. Bin Song, Jinyi Li, Tao Jing, Jiwei Niu, Yusun Zhou, Surong Mei*, Determination of erythromycin residue in pork samples usign molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography, Chinese Journal of Chromatography(in Chinese), 2014, 32(10):1111-1116

14. Lijuan Xu, Chang Xu, Huan Xia, Tao Jing, Surong Mei, Gaoming Wu*, Application of quaternary ammonium salt polymer in high efficient sterilization of water in metallurgical industry, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Medical Edition) (in Chinese), 2014, 42(2):185-189

15. Yusun Zhou, Tao Jing*, Qiaolin Hao, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*. A sensitive and environmentally friendly method for determination of chemical oxygen demand using NiCu alloy electrode. Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 74: 165– 170

16. Tao Jing, Yusun Zhou, Qiaolin Hao, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*. A nano-nickel electrochemical sensor for sensitive determination of chemical oxygen demand. Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 1155-1159

17. Hyeong-Rae Cha, V. Ramesh Babu, K. S. V. Krishna Rao, Yong-Hyun Kim, Surong Mei, Woo Hong Joo, Yong-Ill Lee*, Fabrication of Amino Acid Based Silver Nanocomposite Hydrogels from PVA- Poly(Acrylamide- co-Acryloyl phenylalanine) and Their Antimicrobial Studies, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2012, 33(10): 3191-3195

18. Huan Xia, Yan Wang, Tao Jing, Jiwei Niu, Yusun Zhou, Qiaoling Hao, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*. Determination of three fluoroquinolones antibiotics residue in honey using molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Analytical Science (in Chinese), 2012, 28(3): 297-302

19. Tao Jing, Huan Xia, Jiwei Niu, Yusun Zhou, Qing Dai, Qiaolin Hao, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*. Determination of trace 2,4-dinitrophenol in surface water samples based on hydrophilic molecularly imprinted polymers/nickel fiber electrode, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2011, 26(11):4450-4456

20. Tao Jing, Jiwei Niu, Huan Xia, Qing Dai, Hongyan Zheng, Qiaolin Hao, Surong Mei*, Yikai Zhou*. On-line coupling of molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction to high-performance liquid chromatography for determination of trace tetracycline antibiotics residues in egg samples, Journal of separation science, 2011,34: 1469-1476

21. Surong Mei, Da Wu, Ming Jiang, Bin Lu, Jae-Min Lim, Yi-Kai Zhou, Yong-Ill Lee*. Determination of trace bisphenol A in complex samples using selective molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction coupled with capillary electrophoresis , Microchemical Journal, 2011, 98: 150-155

22. Tao Jing, Huan Xia, Qin Guan, Wenhong Lu, Qing Dai, Jiwei Niu, Jae-Min Lim, Qiaoling Hao, Yong-Ill Lee, Surong Mei*, Yikai Zhou. Rapid and selective determination of urinary lysozyme based on magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers extraction followed by chemiluminescence detection, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2011, 692: 73-79

23. Tao Jing, Hairong Du, Qing Dai, Huan Xia, Jiwei Niu, Qiaolin Hao, Surong Mei*, Yikai Zhou. Magnetic molecularly imprinted nanoparticles for recognition of lysozyme, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2010, 26(2): 301-306

24. Tao Jing, Yan Wang, Qing Dai , Huan Xia, Jiwei Niu, Qiaolin Hao, Surong Mei*, Yikai Zhou. Preparation of mixed-templates molecularly imprinted polymers and investigation of the recognition ability for tetracycline antibiotics. Biosensor & Bioelectronics, 2010, 25(10): 2218-2224

25. Qing Dai, Yan Wang, Tao Jing, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*. Preparation and Evaluation of SudanⅠMolecularly Imprinted Polymers by Precipitation Polymerization. Chinese Journal of Chromatography(in Chinese), 2009, 27(6): 764-768

26. Tao Jing, Xiaodan Gao, Peng Wang,Yan Wang, Xuchen Zong,Yanfei Lin, XiaozhongHu, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*. Determining of Trace Tetracycline Antibiotics in Foodstuffs by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Selective Molecular Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2009, 393: 2009-2018

27. Yan Wang, Tao Jing, Xuewei Bao, Peng Wang, Xuchen Zong, Yanfei Lin, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*. Preparation and Evaluation of 2-chlorophenol Molecularly Imprinted Polymers by Precipitation Polymerization. Journal of Analytical Science(in Chinese), 2008, 24(5): 531-534

28. Peng Wang , Tao Jing, Shaofei Guo, Xiaozhong Hu, Yanfei Lin, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*. Determination of Sudan Residues in Eggs by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Chromatography(in Chinese), 2008, 26(3): 353-357

29. Tao Jing, Xiaodan Gao, Peng Wang, Yan Wang, Yanfei Lin, Xuchen Zong, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*. Preparation of high selective molecularly imprinted polymers for tetracycline by precipitation polymerization. Chinese Chemical Letter, 2007, 18: 1535-1548

30. Peng Wang, Kuanzheng Zhu, Yanfei Lin, Jing Luo, Surong Mei*, Yikai Zhou. Simultaneous determination residues of Chloramphenicol, Thiamphenicol and Florfenicol in royal jelly by high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Science(in Chinese), 2007, 23 (5):527-531

31. Mailing Hu, Ming Jiang, Peng Wang, Surong Mei, Yanfei Lin, Xiaozong Hu, Yun Shi, Bin Lv*, Kang Dai. Selective Solid-Phase Extraction of Tebuconazole in Biological and Environmental Samples Using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2007, 387: 1007-1016

32. Kuanzheng Zhu, Peng Wang, Yanfei Lin, Surong Mei*, Simultaneous determination of residues of Malachite green, Crystal violet and their Leuco metabolites in Aquatic products by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Chinese Journal of Chromatography(in Chinese), 2007, 25 (1):66-69

33. Surong Mei*, Da Wu, Xiaodan Gao, Xuewei Bao, Kuanzheng Zhu, Qiaoling Hao, Yikai Zhou, Study on urinary 8- hydroxydeoxyguanosine as a biomarker of evaluating the effect of therapy for tumor patients, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Medical Edition) (in Chinese), 2007, 36(1):19-22

34. Yun Shi, jiang-hua Zhang, Dan Shi, Ming Jiang, Ye-xiang Zhu, Surong Mei, Yikai Zhou, Dai Kang, Bin Lv*, Selective solid-phase extraction of cholesterol using molecularly imprinted polymers and its application in different biological samples, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2006, 42: 549-555.

35. Jianghua Zhang, Ming Jiang, Lijun Zou, Dan Shi, Surong Mei, Yexiang Zhu, Yun Shi,Kang Dai, Bin Lv*, Selective Solid-Phase Extraction of Bisphenol A Using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and its application in biological and environmental samples, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2006, 385:780 -786

36. Peng Wang, Kuanzheng Zhu, Yanfei Lin, Yikai Zhou, Surong Mei*, Rapid determination of residues of crystal violet and its metabolite leucocrystal violet in aquatic products by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, Journal of Analytical Science (in Chinese), 2006, 22(8):283-286

37. Surong Mei*, Peng Wang, Caiying Wu, Yikai Zhou, Analysis of urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) (in Chinese), 2006, 34(5),118-120

38. Ming Jiang, Jianghua Zhang, Surong Mei, Yun Shi, Lijun Zou, Yexiang Zhu, Kang Dai, Bin Lv*, Direct Enrichment and HPLC Analysis of Ultra-trace BPA in Water Samples with Narrow Dispersible BPA Imprinted Polymeric Microspheres, Journal of Chromatography A, 2006,1110: 27-34

39. Surong Mei*, Peng Wang, Kuanzheng Zhu, Jianxin Yu, Jing Luo, Determination of chloramphenicol remainder in royal jelly by LC/MS/MS, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) (in Chinese), 2006, 34(2):115-117

40. Surong Mei. Qinghong Yao, Caiying Wu, Guowang Xu*, Determination of urinary 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine by two approaches-capillary electrophoresis and GC/MS: an assay for in vivo oxidative DNA damage in cancer patients, Journal of Chromatography B, 2005, 827:83-87

41. Qinghong Yao, Surong Mei, Qianfeng Weng, Puduen Zhang, Caiying Wu, Guowang Xu*, Determination of urinary oxidative DNA damage marker 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine and the association with cigarette smoking, Talanta, 2004, 63: 617-623.

42. Lingshuang Cai, Caiying Wu*, Surong Mei, Zaorui Zeng, Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Theophylline Retention and Molecular Recognition Properties in Capillary electrochromatography, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Science, 2004, 7(3): 359-365

43. Surong Mei, Qinghong Yao, Lingshuang Cai, Guowang Xu*, Caiying Wu, Capillary electrophoresis with end-column amperometric detection of urinary 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine, Electrophoresis, 2003, 24(9): 1411-1415

44. Surong Mei, Lingshuang Cai, Qinghong Yao, Jun Xing, Guowang Xu*, Caiying Wu, Capillary Electrophoresis with Electrochemical Detection of Urinary 8-Hydroxy-2’-Deoxyguanosine in Cancer Patients, Chemical Journal of Chinese University (in Chinese) 2003, 24(11): 1987-1989

45. Surong Mei, Guowang Xu, Caiying Wu*, Analysis of urinary 8-hydroxy -deoxy-guanosine by capillary electrophoresis and solid-phase extraction, Analytical Letter, 2001, 34(12): 2063-2072

46. Surong Mei, Guowang Xu, Jun Xing, Caiying Wu*, Method for the analysis of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in urine by gas chromatography, Analytical Science, 2001, 7: 779-781

47. Surong Mei, Guowang Xu, Caiying Wu*, Analysis of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in human urine by solid-phase extraction and derivatization gas chromatography, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry(in Chinese), 2001, 29(12): 1394-1397

48. Yufang Zheng, Yun Zhang, Dayu Liu, Xiaoliang Guo, Surong Mei, Jianhui Xiong, Hongwei Kong, Chao Zhang, Guowang Xu*, Analysis of urinary nucleoside by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, Chemical Journal of Chinese University (in Chinese) 2001, 22(6): 912-915

49. Surong Mei, Guowang Xu*, Caiying Wu, Analysis of nucleic acids by capillary electrophoresis for disease diagnosis, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry(in Chinese), 2000, 28(4): 507-511

50. Surong Mei, Jiping He, Jiansen Li, Zhenhua Chen*, Xueran Lu, Infrared and Raman spectroscopic investigation of calix[8]arena, Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)(in Chinese), 1998, 44(2): 159-163

Invited Presentation

1. Surong Mei, Occurrence investigation of perfluorinated compounds in surface water from East Lake with magnetic SPE, Sino-German Symposium: Frontiers of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in –omics time, Essen (Germany), June 17, 2015

2. Surong Mei, Tao Jing, Yikai Zhou. Application of Biosensing technique in environmental medicine, Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Nanjing (China), Octorber 18, 2015

3. Surong Mei, Tao Jing, Yikai Zhou. Molecularly imprinted biomimetic sensor and its application in environmental medicine, Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering (High level Forum), Hangzhou (China), Octorber 19, 2014

4. Surong Mei, Tao Jing, Yikai Zhou. Application of rapid detection technique in the environmental medicine based on different molecularly imprinted composite materials, 2012 Sino-German Workshop on Analysis of Biomarkers in Complex Samples, Dalian (China), Octorber 12, 2012

5. Surong Mei, Tao Jing, Qing Dai, Yikai Zhou. Magnetic molecularly imprinted nanoparticles for recognition of lysozyme, the 8th Changwon International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology, Changwon (Korea), July 30, 2010

6. Surong Mei, Karl-Siegfried Boos, Rosa Morello. On-line SPE-POPLC Analysis of Potential GFR marker-iomeprol in Human Plasma, Closing workshop of Sino-German Cooperation Group on Separation and Analysis of Complex Samples, Dalian (China),January 13, 2010

7. Surong Mei, Da Wu, Yikai Zhou. Determining of trace BPA in complex samples by CE coupled with molecular imprinted solid-phase extraction technology, 30th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography,Dalian (China),June 5, 2007

Other Relevant Experience and Professional Memberships

1. Vice director of the Medical Association for health inspection of Hubei province

2. Editorial board of Journal of” Sensing Technology.

References Available Upon Request

1. Professor Yikai Zhou, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, 430030, China, HPhone: 86-27-83692703, HE-mail: H zhouyk@mails.tjmu.edu.cn

2. Professor Guowang Xu, Dalin Institute of Chemical Physics, the Chinese Academy of Science, Dalin 116011, China,Phone: 86-411-84379530
E-mail: Uxugw@ dicp.ac.cnH

3. Professor Caiying Wu, College of Chemistry,Wuhan University,Wuhan, 430072, China,Phone: 86-27-68761367,E-mail: wucy34@126.com


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