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Qing Lu

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resume    English resume

  • Qing Lu

    Present position: Professor, Vice-Head

  • Faculty: Institute of Environmental Medicine,

  • Address: MOE Key Lab of Environment and Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, PR China

  • Telephone:

  • Email: qi_weiliao@126.com, luqing@hust.edu.cn


Qing Lu, female, professor, vice-head of institute for environmental medicine. Graduated from Wuhan University, College of Chemistry & Molecular Sciences. Received chemical bachelor’s degree in Jun. 2002, and recommended for admission of graduate study. Got doctor’s degree in Jun. 2007, majored in Analytical Chemistry. Post-doctoral in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, from Jul. 2007 to Jan. 2009. Winner of the 2nd Prize of Hubei Natural Science Award and Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award of Hubei Province. Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals, including Biosens & Bioelectron, Anal Chim Acta, Sensor Actuat B-Chem, Talanta, et al.

Experienced in developing novel sensors for evaluation and analysis of exposure level of environmental pollutants. As corresponding author/first author, more than 20 SCI papers have been published, with total index factor about 100 and citations more than 300. One paper is selected for the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database of highly cited paper.

Researches focus on diseases that have a strong environmental component and a high or increasing prevalence in the Chinese population. By integrated techniques of analytical chemistry, molecular epidemiology and molecular biology, complex hypotheses can be addressed to better understand the causes of disease.

Selective publications:

1.   Weixiang Wu, Ke Zhang, Shunli Jiang, Dayang Liu, Hao Zhou, Rong Zhong, Qiang Zeng, Liming Cheng, Xiaoping Miao, Yeqing Tong*, Qing Lu*, “Association of co-exposure to heavy metals with renal function in a hypertensive population”, Environment International, 2018, 112, 198-206.

2. Weixiang Wu, Shunli Jiang, Qiang Zhao, Ke Zhang, Xiaoyun Wei, Tong Zhou, Dayang Liu, Hao Zhou, Qiang Zeng, Liming Cheng, Xiaoping Miao, Qing Lu*, “Environmental exposure to metals and the risk of hypertension: A cross-sectional study in China”, Environmental Pollution, 2018, 233, 670-678.

3. Weixiang Wu, Shunli Jiang, Qiang Zhao, Ke Zhang, XiaoyunWei, Tong Zhou, Dayang Liu, Hao Zhou, Rong Zhong, Qiang Zeng, Liming Cheng, Xiaoping Miao, Qing Lu*, “Associations of environmental exposure to metals with the risk of hypertension in China”, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 622-623, 184–191.

4. Qiang Zhao, Weixiang Wu, Xiaoyun Wei, Shunli Jiang, Tong Zhou, Qing Li*, Qing Lu*, “Graphitic carbon nitride as electrode sensing material for tetrabromobisphenol-A determination”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 248, 673-681.

5. Qiang Zhao, Hao Zhou, Weixiang Wu, Xiaoyun Wei, Shunli Jiang, Tong Zhou, Dayang Liu, Qing Lu*, “Sensitive electrochemical detection of tetrabromobisphenol A based on poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) modified graphitic carbon nitride-ionic liquid doped carbon paste electrode”, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 254, 214–222

6. Guangxia Yu, Weina Zhang, Qiang Zhao, Weixiang Wu, Xiaoyun Wei, Qing Lu*, “Enhancing the sensitivity of hexachlorobenzene electrochemical sensor based on nitrogen–doped graphene”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 235, 439-446.

7.  Qiang Zhao, Ke Zhang, Guangxia Yu, Weixiang Wu, Xiaoyun Wei, Qing Lu*, “Facile electrochemical determination of tetrabromobisphenol A based on modified glassy carbon electrode”, Talanta, 2016, 151, 209-216.

8. Guangxia Yu, Qiang Zhao, Weixiang Wu, Xiaoyun Wei, Qing Lu*, “A facile and practical biosensor for choline based on manganese dioxide nanoparticles synthesized in-situ at the surface of electrode by one-step electrodeposition”, Talanta, 2016, 146, 707-713.

9.  Weixiang Wu, Yeqing Tong, Xiaoyun Wei, Qiang Zhao, Xiaoqi Pan, Guangxia Yu, Qing Lu*, “Association between Int7G24A rs334354 polymorphism and cancer risk: a meta-analysis of case-control studies”, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 11350-11364.

10.  Weixiang Wu#, Yeqing Tong#, Qiang Zhao, Guangxia Yu, Xiaoyun Wei, Qing Lu*, “Coffee consumption and bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of observational studies”, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5,9051-9059.

11.  Guangxia Yu, Weixiang Wu, Qiang Zhao, Xiaoyun Wei, Qing Lu*, “Efficient immobilization of acetylcholinesterase onto amino functionalized carbon nanotubes for the fabrication of high sensitive organophosphorus pesticides biosensors”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 68, 288-294.

12.  Rong Yue, Qing Lu*, Yikai Zhou, “A novel nitrite biosensor based on single-layer graphene nanoplatelet-protein composite film”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011, 26, 4436-4441.

13.  Qing Lu*, Yikai Zhou, “Synthesis of mesoporous polythiophene/MnO2 nanocomposite and its enhanced pseudocapacitive properties”, Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196, 4088-4094. (ESI高被引)

14.  Qing Lu, Xiaochen Dong, Lain-Jong Li, Xiao Hu*, “Direct electrochemistry-based hydrogen peroxide biosensor formed from single-layer graphene nanoplatelet-enzyme composite film”, Talanta, 2010, 82, 1344-1348.





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