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Wei Xia

来源: 时间:2017-07-14 点击量:

  • Chinese resumeEnglish resume

  • Wei Xia

  • Present position: associate Professor

  • Faculty: Department of Environmental Health

  • Address: Department of Environmental Health and Ministry of Education Key Lab for Environment and Health School of Public Health Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science & Technology Wuhan 430030, China

  • Telephone: Tel: 86-27-83693417 (lab.) Fax: 86-27-83657781, Cell Phone: 18971063665

  • Email: xiawei@hust.edu.cn

Dr. Wei Xia is associate Professor of Environmental Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), and Principal Investigator (PI) of a program supported by The National Natural Science Foundation of China. She graduated with a major in Preventive Medicine in 2006 and received her PhD in 2011 from Tongji Medical College, HUST. Dr. Xia’s research is mainly focused on the effects of environmental exposures on children development and health (especially metabolic diseases and neurodevelopment disorders) and the corresponding mechanisms. Currently she is a main investigator of the Healthy Baby Cohort study in Hubei Province. She has published over 20 original papers in SCI-collected journals including Environ Health Perspect, Environ Int, Biosensor Bioelectron.


2001/09-2006/07  Bachelor’s Degree of Medicine

The Faculty of Preventive Medicine
Tongji Medical University

2006/09-2011/07 Doctoral Degree of Medicine

Dept. of Environmental Health
Tongji Medical University


Chinese, English

Work Experience

2011/07-2015/12  Assistant professor

Institute of Environmental Health
School of Public Health
Tongji Medical College
Huazhong University of Science & Technology

2014/02-2015/02  Visiting scientist
Dept. of Environmental Health (Prof. Tongzhang Zheng)
Yale School of Public Health
New Haven, CT, United States

2016/01-present Associate professor

Institute of Environmental Health
School of Public Health
Tongji Medical College
Huazhong University of Science & Technology

Present Active Research Programs

1. Impact of prenatal exposure to low doses of biphenol A on adipogenesis of offspring. Supported by Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China 2012QN240, from 2012/01-2015/12 (PI)

2. Effect of MEHP on nucleosome positioning within the promoter of PPARγ Target Genes and its role in adipocyte differentiation. Supported by The National Natural Science Foundation of China 81402049, from 2015/01-2017/12 (PI)

Career goals

1. Environmental exposures and children development and health in birth cohort

2. Biomarkers of environmental related metabolic diseases and neurodevelopment disorders

3. Environments and epigenetics on the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

# First author *Corresponding author

1. Wei Xia#*, Yanqiu Zhou#, Tongzhang Zheng, Bin Zhang, Bryan A. Bassig, Yuanyuan Li, John Pierce WiseSr., Aifen Zhou, Yanjian Wan, Youjie Wang, Chao Xiong, Jinzhu Zhao, Zhengkuan Li, Yuanxiang Yao, Jie Hu, Xinyun Pan and Shunqing Xu*. Maternal urinary manganese and risk of low birth weight: a case–control study. BMC Public Health, 2016, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-2816-4

2. Wei Xia#, Jie Hu#, Bin Zhang, Yuanyuan Li, John Pierce Wise Sr., Bryan A. Bassig, Aifen Zhou, David A. Savitz, Chao Xiong, Jinzhu Zhao, Xiaofu Du, Yanqiu Zhou, Xinyun Pan, Jie Yang, Chuansha Wu, Minmin Jiang, Yang Peng, Zhengmin Qian, Tongzhang Zheng, Shunqing Xu*. A case-control study of maternal exposure to chromium and infant low birth weight in China. Chemosphere, 2016, 144:1484-1489.

3. Wei Xia#, Xiaofu Du#, Bin Zhang, Yuanyuan Li, Bryan A. Bassig, Aifen Zhou, Youjie Wang, Chao Xiong, Zhengkuan Li, Yuanxiang Yao, Jie Hu, Yanqiu Zhou, Qi Wang, Juan Liu, Weiyan Xue, Yue Ma, Xinyun Pan, Yang Peng, Tongzhang Zheng, and Shunqing Xu*. A Case–Control Study of Prenatal Thallium Exposure and Low Birth Weight in China. Environ Health Perspect, 2016, 124(1):164-9.

4. Yingshuang Zhu#, YanjianWan#, Yuanyuan Li, Bin Zhang , Aifen Zhou, Zongwei Cai, Zhengmin Qian, Chuncao Zhang,Wenqian Huo, Kai Huang, Jie Hu, Lu Cheng, Huailong Chang, Zheng Huang, BingXua, Wei Xia*, Shunqing Xu*. Free and total urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations among pregnant women from the Healthy Baby Cohort (HBC), China. Environ Int, 2016, 88:67-73.

5. Wenqian Huo#, Wei Xia#, Yanjian Wan, Bin Zhang, Aifen Zhou, Yiming Zhang, Kai Huang, Yingshuang Zhu, Chuansha Wu, Yang Peng, Minmin Jiang, Jie Hua, Huailong Chang, Bing Xu, Yuanyuan Li*, Shunqing Xu*. Maternal urinary bisphenol A levels and infant low birth weight: A nested case-control study of the Health Baby Cohort in China. Environ Int, 2015, 85:96-103.

6. Ying Jiang#, Wei Xia#, Jie Yang, Yingshuang Zhu, Huailong Chang, Juan Liu, Wenqian Huo, Bing Xu, Xi Chen, Yuanyuan Li*, Shunqing Xu*. BPA-induced DNA hypermethylation of the master mitochondrial gene PGC-1alpha contributes to cardiomyopathy in male rats. Toxicology, 2015, 329:21-31.

7. Ying Jiang#, Wei Xia#, Yingshuang Zhu, Xiaocui Li, Danqi Wang, Juan Liu, Huailong Chang, Genqi Li, Bing Xu , Xi Chen, Yuanyuan Li*, Shunqing Xu*. Mitochondrial dysfunction in early life resulted from perinatal bisphenol A exposure contributes to hepatic steatosis in rat offspring. Toxicol Lett, 2014, 228(2):85-92.

8. Hongyu Zhang#, Weiyan Xue, Yuanyuan Li, Yue Ma, Yingshuang Zhu, Wenqian Huo, Bing Xu, Wei Xia*, Shunqing Xu*. Perinatal exposure to 4-nonylphenol affects adipogenesis in first and second generation rats offspring. Toxicol Lett 2014, 225(2):325-32.

9. Wei Xia#, Ying Jiang, Yuanyuan Li, Yanjian Wan, Juan Liu, Yue Ma, Zhenxing Mao, Huailong Chang, Genqi Li, Bing Xu, Xi Chen, Shunqing Xu*. Early-Life Exposure to Bisphenol A Induces Liver Injury in Rats Involvement of Mitochondria-Mediated Apoptosis. PLoS One, 2014, 9(2):e90443.

10. Yue Ma#, Wei Xia#, Danqi Wang, Yanjian Wan, Bing Xu, Xi Chen, Yuanyuan Li*, Shunqing Xu*. Hepatic DNA methylation modifications in early development of rats resulting from perinatal BPA exposure contribute to insulin resistance in adulthood. Diabetologia, 2013, 56(9):2059-67.

11. Liqiong Song#, Wei Xia#, Zhao Zhou, Yi Li, Jie Wei, Zhengzheng Wei, Bing Xu, Jie Shen, Weiyong Li, Shunqing Xu*. Low-level phenolic estrogen pollutants impair islet morphology and β-cell function in isolated rat islets. J Endocrinol, 2012, 215(2):303-11.

12. Wei Xia#, Yanjian Wan, Xianliang Wang, Yuanyuan Li, Wenjie Yang, Chunxiang Wang, Shunqing Xu*. Sensitive bioassay for detection of PPARα potentially hazardous ligands with gold nanoparticle probe. J Hazard Mater, 2011, 192(3):1148-54.

13. Wei Xia#, Yanjian Wan#, Yuanyuan Li, Huaicai Zeng, Ziquan Lv, Gengqi Li, Zhengzheng Wei, Shunqing Xu*. PFOS prenatal exposure induce mitochondrial injury and gene expression change in hearts of weaned SD rats. Toxicology, 2011, 282(1-2):23-9.

14. Wei Xia#, Yuanyuan Li#, Yanjian Wan, Tian Chen, Jie Wei, Yi Lin, Shunqing Xu*. Electrochemical biosensor for estrogenic substance using lipid bilayers modified by Au nanoparticles. Biosens and Bioelectron, 2010, 25(10):2253-8.


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